How Much is a Chiropractor
Chiropractic focuses on the diagnosing the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system disorders and their effects on general health and the subsequent treatment using nonsurgical treatments or nonconventional therapies. If you are having back pains, neck pains, headaches, or even joints pains and other neuromusculoskeletal complaints, a chiropractic care might be what you need.
If you have been to different doctors for symptoms that do not heal with traditional medicines, you might be interested to try out their services as well as knowing how much does a chiropractor cost.

What Do Chiropractors Do?
Chiropractors are primary contact doctors (meaning you don’t require a GP referral to make an appointment) that use their hands to treat issues related to the spine, bones, joints, and muscles.
Chiropractor near me ,They also work with patients to address work and life stressors, overall health, nutrition, genetic and postural issues, and emotional connections and patterns held in the body.
Chiropractors can evaluate and treat conditions including:
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Joint problems
- Headaches
- Lower back pain
- Bad posture
- Knee pain
- Migraines
- Sciatica
- Muscle pain
- Sport-related injuries
Your chiropractor near me will use orthopedic, mobility, and flexibility tests to help diagnose your pain.
Treatment will vary depending on your condition and may include exercises, adjustments, and soft tissue work.

Average Cost of Chiropractor
The cost of chiropractor services may vary depending on whether you are going there for the first time or for follow up check up and treatment but reported average is around $75 per visit.
According to Kings Park Chiropractic, the chiropractor prices for the initial visit would range between $55 and $200 depending on the chiropractor of choice, the location, etc. if you do not have insurance coverage or your insurance does not cover alternative medicine. This is typically the most expensive of all the visits you would have with a chiropractor because of this is when the diagnostic tests are usually performed to be able to design a treatment plan.
The subsequent visits would typically cost around $30 to $75 each which usually covers the adjustment if needed or other treatments may be recommended which may or may not entail additional cost.
Insurance companies have different treatments to alternative health care and you might find some which would cover them while others would not. If you are lucky enough to have an insurance provider that covers chiropractic treatments, your cost would typically trim down to between $10 and $30 and the number of visits covered would be up to your policy coverage.
Although chiropractic services are known to cure just by bare hands, such services are not without the aid of technology. Some of the machines they have which usually aid them in diagnosis and treatments are the following:
- Diathermy – $10 to $40
- Electrical muscular stimulation – $20 to $250
- Hydrotherapy systems – $50 to $500
- Cold laser therapy – $55 each or $250 to $330 per package of 6 to 7 sessions
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging – $100 to $400
- Radiography – X-rays typically costs $45 to $150
- Thermography – $200 to $500
- Ultrasound therapy – $20
Additional Costs
Some other chiropractic services offered in their facilities and may usually be recommended to you as an extra cost may include any or some of the following:
Further, some chiropractor clinics offer nonconventional services or those that are not usually offered in most of their facilities like massage therapy which deals with the muscles instead of the bones which are their forte and the chiropractic acupuncture. The massage would usually cost around $30 to $50 for half an hour session while the acupuncture would range around $100 to $150 if availing for the first time. Subsequent sessions would cost $65 on the average.
Kings Park Chiropractic, We offer allied health services since 2018, We offer various Chiropractic Disciplines. Our team is highly-trained and experienced.
Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me
Seven Hills NSW 2147
Kings Langley NSW 2147
Kings Park NSW 2148
Blacktown NSW 2148
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
Norwest NSW 2153
Castle Hill NSW 2154
Rouse Hill NSW 2155
Kellyville NSW 2155
Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155
Schofields NSW 2762
Quakers Hill NSW 2763
Marsden Park NSW 2765
Box Hill NSW 2765
Rooty Hill NSW 2766
Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768
The Ponds NSW 2769