What Is Frozen Shoulder? Chiropractor Near Me

Frozen shoulder is (also known as adhesive capsulitis) is a common condition that develop in 40s or older. The nature of this condition is inflammation in the shoulder joint and forms massive scar tissues, which thicken the shoulder joint capsule. Less synovial fluid that reduce joint friction when moving your shoulder is found in many cases of frozen shoulder. Stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint are the main presentations of frozen shoulder.

The pain intensity and the degree of shoulder restriction gradually worsen and resolve when reaching different stages of adhesive capsulitis. Frozen shoulder is a self-limiting condition. In other word, the symptoms and signs will be self resolved even without any pharmaceutical support or physical treatment.

It is not uncommon that adhesive capsulitis can occur bilaterally, but recurrent frozen shoulder on the same side is rare. The prognosis in general is promising, but the condition can last from 1 to 3 years.

Risk Factors

Age and sex: females aged over 40 years old at higher risk develop adhesive capsulitis compared to males at the same age.

Immobility of shoulder joint: rotator cuff injury, arm fracture, stroke or post-operation may result in adhesive capsulitis due to immobilization or reduced mobility of the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint).

Systemic diseases: the list of systemic diseases below is associated with adhesive capsulitis.

  • Diabetes (type I and type II)
  • Thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism and hypothroidism)
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Tuberculosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Dupuytren’s disease

There Are Three Stages For Frozen Shoulder

Freezing Stage (2 to 9 months): patients have constant shoulder pain at rest and the pain gets worse with activities and at night. The affected shoulder active and passive range of motion starts to reduce.

Frozen Stage (up to 12 months): shoulder joint becomes very stiff, but the pain only occurs with shoulder movements.

Thawing Stage (12 to 24 months): the pain and the active range of motion and passive range of motion start to improve .

How to manage Frozen Shoulder? Chiropractor Near Me


Frozen Shoulder Treatment Options

Due to reduced shoulder range of motion, daily activities are affected. Pain caused by the process of inflammation is also unbearable at some stage of forzen shoulder. The main goal is to reduce the pain and increase shoulder mobility. Treatment should be focused on the prominent of each phase.

Pain is prominent due to acute inflammation in freezing phase, so medication and steroid injection can be used to provide short term pain relief. Reduced shoulder range of motion is the most predominant in frozen phase. Physical therapy such as manipulation, mobilization and exercise can gradually increase restricted range of motion. In the last phase (thawing phase), shoulder function progressively improve and only minimal pain occurs.

The progression of fronzen shoulder may not be accelebrated with intervention. The resolution of the condition is expected from one to three years. Treatment options should be chosen according to the severity and duration of symptoms and signs, and the response to each treatment.

Conservative treatment – Chiropractor Near Me

Physical Therapy

Precribing range of motion exercises combined with chiropractic treatment are used as a first line treatment for adhesive capsulitis. Physical therapist can effectively manage frozen shoulder sufferers’ inflammation, at the same time improve shoulder pain and stiffness.

Spinal manipulation (or chiropractic adjustment), joint mobilization, dry needling, cupping and soft tissue mobilization are the most common used modalities for chiropractors to improve shoulder function and reduce pain. It is imperative to choose suitable physical therapy depending on the stage of the condition. Home exercises should Physical therapy should be considered and used prior to the invasive treatment method such as surgery.


Analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and sleeping pills are used to relieve severe shoulder pain caused by shoulder joint capsule inflammation and ensure the sleep quality.

Steroid (Cortisone) Injection

Steroid is an anti-inflammatory medicine that relieves pain rapidly. Steroid injection given by a radiologist into the affected shoulder joint can provide short term relief. However, the risk of infection may be induced due to the injection.

Surgical Procedure


Manipulation Under Anesthesia/Arthroscopic Capsular Release

Surgical procedure is considered and performed when conservative management fails. Manipulation under anesthesia is to tear the thickened and inflamedjoint capsule and ligaments while arthroscopic capsular release is to release shoulder joint capsule with an ablation device. Arthroscopic capsular release is more frequently used due to providing long term symptom relief.

Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

What Do Chiropractors Do For Scoliosis? Chiropractor Near Me

Do you have significant asymmetrical shoulder height or a lump on the back? If you can see asymmetry in different parts of the body, you probably have scoliosis. Scoliosis is a abnormal sideways curvature of the spine that is a three dimensional deformity. The Cobb angle is worldwide used measurement to show the degree of the lateral curvature.

The Codd angle that is equal to or greater than 10 degrees accounts for 2 to 3 percent of the population while the curves more than 40 degrees are only 0.1 percent. Scoliosis patients are more common on girls than boys.

Types Of Scoliosis

  • Idiopathic
  • Infantile idiopathic scoliosis (birth to 3 years old) – extremely rare
  • Juvenile idiopathic scolisos (4 to 10 years old)
  • Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (11 to 18 years old) – more common
  • Congenital
  • Neuromuscular

A majority of scoliosis is Idiopathic. Children with idiopathic scoliosis is generally healthy and neurologically normal. This most common form of scoliosis occurs with unknown cause but involves a genetic component.

The magnitude of curvature between generations is not relevant. In other words, affected children can have milder or more severe curves than their parents.

Congenital scoliosis is the result of failure vertebral or/and segmental development during the first trimester of pregnancy. Congenital genitourinary malformations and congenital heart disease occur in 20% and 15% of children with congenital scoliosis, respectively. Spinal dysraphism such as spina bifida occulta and myelomeningocele is also highly associated with congenital scoliosis patients.

Neuromuscular disorders lead to muscle imbalance, soft tissue contracture and progressive muscle weakness. Scoliosis is one of the complications of neuromuscular disorders. The magnitude of scoliosis is in proportion to the progression of diseases and muscle weakness.

Clinical Presentations

  • Asymmetry in the posterior rib cage and anterior ches wall
  • Uneven shoulder height
  • Uneven waist and hip
  • Apparent leg length discrepancy
  • Flank asymmetry

Curve Progression

Before skeletal maturation

  • Premenarchal girls with 20 to 30 degrees curve compared to menarchal girls with the same degrees: highly likely to progress
  • >25 degrees: continue to progress
  • After skeletal maturation
  • <30 degrees: unlikely to progress
  • >45 or 50 degrees: continue to progress (1-2 degrees per year)

Chiropractic Consultation – Early Detection And Monitor Of Scoliosis – Chiropractor Near Me

Early detection of scoliosis is crucial and prevent the fast progression of scoliosis during adolescent growth spurt. For adolescents who have family history or signs of scoliosis, it is necessary to examine any abnormality of the spine. Adam’s forward bend test is the most widely used screening exam to detect scoliosis. 

The test is performed with the patient’s shirt off. The patient is instructed to hold their palms together and to bend forward with knees and elbows in extension. The feet are put together. The experienced health professional standing behind the patient observes any abnormality of the spine and an asymmetry of the trunk.

If there is a suspection of scoliosis, patients with scoliosis requires full spine x-ray. Before skeletal maturity when reach 18 years old, curve can progress. Monitoring curve progression is vital to provide sufficient treatment options. The Cobb angle more than 25 degrees is likely to continue to progress before skeletal maturity.

More than 30 degrees can start wearing a custom asymmetrical brace, which provide support and prevent further progression. If the curve continues to progress and is over 40 degrees, a spinal fusion surgery may be required to realign the curved vetrbae.

Chiropractic TreatmentChiropractor Near Me

Scoliosis with the Cobb angle less than 45 degrees that does not cause health problems such as the compromise of cadiopulmonary function does not require surgery. However, for long term, neck pain, mid back pain and lower back pain are common on scoliosis patients. As a consequence of the rotated and curved spine, it causes biomechanical changes in the spine loading.

Asymmetrical weight distribution and loading to the spine will stress the vertebral discs, joints and postural muscles unevenly. In scoliotic spine, the superior, inferior and the apex of vertebra bear more weight than other vertebra. Therefore, subluxation always occurs in these affected vertebra.

Chiropractic adjustment can help to reduce the pain caused by scoliosis due to the realignment of the spine and the removal of restriction. Furthermore, chiropractic manipulation may prevent the progression of scoliosis. Apart from manual therapy, the doctor of chiropractic will prescribe a exercise program to improve muscle imbalance in the treatment plan. However, chiropractic care can treat scoliosis symptoms not fix it.

Chiropractic Clinic Services Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

What Can The Chiropractor Do? Chiropractor Near Me

Chiropractic care is commonly used for relieve musculoskeletal pain. It is widely believed that chiropractors can only treat spinal related issues. Neck pain, shoulder pain, low back pain and sciatica are some of the examples. However, chiropractic treatment is not limited to spinal manipulation.

The chiropractor helps patients with headaches including migraine to get pain relief and prevent headaches. Peripheral adjustment and other modalities can treat peripheral joints. Aside from adult patients, the role of chiropractic care is different at specific population groups.

Paediatric Patients – Chiropractor Near Me

Neck pain and back pain are not unusual in paediatric patients, especially at the stage of adolescence. Chiropractic manipulation can resolve neck pain and low back pain caused by mechanical issues. Developmental problems such as scoliosis and Scheuermann’s disease lead to a side curvature and hyperkyphosis of spine.

The chiropractor can monitor the progression of the condition and utilize spinal adjustment and rehabilitation to alleviate musculoskeletal pain. Infantile colic is a common reason to require chiropractic care and a majority of colicy infants improve colic symptoms.

Pregnancy – Chiropractor Near Me

Pregnant women seek for chiropractic care are very common due to pelvic pain, back pain and fluid retention in legs. There are a variety of safe and effective chiropractic techniques that can be applied during pregnancy. Pregnancy pillows are designed for pregnant women to lie on tummy to perform certain techniques.

Chiropractic care can promote joint motions to reduce stiffness and relieve aches and pains. At the same time, pelvic imbalance can be corrected. Webster technique is used to address intrauterine constraint. It involves the assessment of the sacrum and the relignment of the pelvic position plus stretching uterine ligament attachment.

Geriatric Patients – Chiropractor Near Me

Chiropractic care for geriatric patients is effective and safe. In 2017, people aged 65 and over accounted for 15% and this number will grow steadily.Painful musculoskleletal conditions, balance, gait and even daily activities may be affected and the elderly is highly likely to be hospitalized or dead as a consequence of falls.

The role of chiropractic treatment is to provide different interventions. Spinal manipulation, dry needling, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and mobilization, conseling and fall prevention are the services included in chiropractic care. The chiropractor provides nutritional advice and prescribe rehabilitation to reduce the risk factors of falls.

Chiropractors can do much more than just spinal manipulation.

Chiropractors can not only read the x-ray report but also interpret the finding from the x-ray films. Knowing the diagnosis is important and understanding the condition itself is equally crucial. Many people know the name of the condition they have, but the severity, cause and outcome of the condition are unclear.

The chiropractor can explain the origin of pain, the stage of the condition and prognosis. Instructing patients to modify their daily activities is vital for the recovery and the prevention of recurrent injuries. Further imaging to investigate the condition may be requested for the purpose of accurate diagnosis.


Apart from chiropractic manipulation, chiropractic treatment includes rehabiitation. According to the severity and the stage of the condition, the chiropractor will prescibe specific exercises and stretches. Rehabilitation exercises help the recovery and prevent the recurrence of the condition.

Particular exercises can strengthen the weak muscles to improve posture and muscle imbalance. Stretching can reduce the tension of hypertonic muscles and increase joint flexibility. Muscle balance and joint flexibility can prevent recurrent pain and sport injuries.

Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic – Chiropractor Near Me

Do you find a chiropractor in Sydney or Sydney cbd by using a keyword “chiropractor near me” on a search engine like Google. Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic has very good star ratings. If you have any musculoskeletal pain, you can call or book the chiropractic session online. We serve the suburbs below, but not limited to this list.

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Could Chiropractic Care Treat Flat Foot?

Prevalence Of Flat Foot

Flat foot (also known as pes planus or fallen arch) are the condition that the arch of the foot is lower than normal or absent. The prevalence of fallen arch is inconclusive among different researchers, but it has the similar trend.

The younger children (two to six years old) have the higher prevalence (21 to 57%) and the prevalence (13.4 to 27.6%) declines significantly in primary pupils. The prevalence rate (5 to 14%) in adults drops almost 50%. Infants and children with flat feet are normal due to the foot arches have not developed.

Types Of Flat Foot

Flexible and rigid flat foot are the two general types. Flexible flat foot has a normal arch in non-weight bearing, but it absents when standing or walking. In contrast, rigid flat foot, which is a “true” flat foot has non existed arch no matter in weight bearing or at rest. Commonly, both sides of feet are affected and flat, but single pes planus is acquired and caused by various conditions such as injuries and obesity.

Risk Factors And Causes Of Flat Foot

  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Ankle and knee injuries
  • Obesity or diabetes
  • Aging
  • Arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Posterior tibial tendon injury or dysfunction
  • Neurological or muscular diseases

Fallen arch is a hereditary condition or acquired overtime. People with obesity or diabetes are more prone to have flat feet. During pregnancy, flat foot is also common due to the significant body weight increase.

Aging that weaken posterior tibial tendon also contributes to flat foot. Sports injuries lead to flat foot as a consequence of damaging posterior tibial tendon which is a vital structure to support the foot arch.


Long term pain that occurs in the heel and medial arch is the most common symptoms. As a result of collapsed medial longitudinal arch, flat foot always associates with hyperpronation and internal rotation of the leg which put abnormal stress to different parts of the body. Hyperpronation lead to shin splints as a result of flat feet repetitively rolling inwards.

Flat foot is one of the risk factors that may develop plantar fasciitis. On a daily basis, abnormal foot mechanics including flat foot can cause repetitive tearing and stretching on plantar fascia that connect the heel and toes.

Chiropractic Treatment – Chiropractor Near Me

Pathological flat feet are not common, which only accounts for less than 1%. Asymptomatic pes planus does not require any medical interventions. However, if the symptoms such as foot pain especially at the heel present, treatment is necessary.

Orthotic Devices – Chiropractor Near Me

The chiropractor can prescribe orthotic devices to provide proper arch support for those who have flat feet. There are two types of orthotic devices – custom orthotics and heat moulding orthotics.According to the patient’s age, body weight, leg length, foot shape, usage of orthotics and associated complications, different density of orthotics and accessories including the heel lift and dome may be used. Supportive orthotics can reduce the long term stretching and tearing of plantar fascia that lower the chance of heel pain, but they do not fix fallen arches.

Shockwave Therapy – Chiropractor Near Me

Shockwave therapy is a non invasive and completely safe treatment option for chronic plantar fasciitis patients. Shockwave therapy promotes tissue regeneration and reparation and reduce pain. New blood vessel formation and collagen synthesis help to repair damage tissues such as tendons, ligaments and inflamed plantar fascia.

Chiropractic Adjustment – Chiropractor Near Me

Flat feet cause biomechanical changes of the body which contribute ankle, knee, hip and lower back pain. Chiropractic adjustment can effectively reduce joint restriction and joint pain. However, orthotic devices are needed to provide a sturdy arch support for long term pain relief and prevention of health issues including plantar fasciitis.

Chiropractic Service Suburbs  

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Do Normal People Need Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is not a privilege of patients who are suffering from musculoskeletal pain. Even though chiropractic treatment is sought from numerous professional athletes, manual workers and sedentary workers for pain relief, ordinary people even without pain are beneficial from chiropractic care. In Australia, there are over 12 million chiropractic visits annually and paediatric visits account for approximately 8.6 percent. 

Our lifestyle has been change tremendously over the past few decades. The proliferation of using computers and smart phones increases the number of chronic back pain and neck pain patients. Slouched posture with rounded shoulders and constant head flexion results in neck pain and chronic headaches. Prolonged sitting and bad posture for smart devices and computers usage enormously put pressure to the lower back and cause lower back pain and even sciatica.

Prolonged screen tapping could overuse the thumb and lead to De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. Likewise, hand pain and numbness could be the result of excessive typing and mouse using. Technology brings convenience and efficiency to our lives but causes more people suffering from musculoskeletal pain. There are reasons why normal people visiting chiropractors regularly.

Benefits Of Chiropractic Treatment – Chiropractor Near Me

Chiropractic is a complementary medicine that uses manual therapies or physical therapies such as spinal manipulation for the effective treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions. Preventive care is a crucial idea for promote overall health and prevent illness and conditions.

Subluxation is a chiropractic term to describe a joint that dislocates partially.

In daily activities, repetitive movements, acute injuries and bad posture can cause vertebral subluxation. The symptoms of subluxation are reduced joint range of motion, pain and swelling. Temporary reduction or loss of sensation is also common.

Visiting your chiropractor regularly can prevent the formation of subluxation. The doctor of chiropractic uses static and motion palpation to locate vertebral fixation or subluxation. Chiropractic manipulation is used to realign where the bone out of the place (subluxation).

Chiropractic manipulation delivers the force to stimulate the afferent input of the spinal cord that alters the function of the central nervous system. The change of the pain perception may help people with chronic low back pain and other musculoskeletal pain. The correction of subluxation not only reduce pain and relax the surrounding soft tissues but also improve the joint range of motion.

The improvement of joint flexibility can enhance the posture. Good posture can put less strain on postural muscles which stabilise and mobilise the body. Also, less pressure on bones and joints can reduce the possibility of having joint pain and arthritis for long term.

Scoliosis is a very common reason for paediatric visits. Parents may report their children having uneven shoulder, hip and/or rib cage during chiropractic visits. Early detection and diagnosis of scoliosis can prevent from progression and reduce the chance of surgical correction by early intervention such as bracing.

Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic – Chiropractor Near Me

One of the frequently asked questions on the phone at Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic is whether they need a referral from the general practitioner (GP). It is unnecessary to get a GP referral to see the chiropractor. All private health insurances are accepted and health fund rebates are given through the HICAPS terminal. If you suffer from chronic musculoskeletal pain, your GP may recommend you to get allied health professional’s treatment and give you enhance primary care (EPC) plan.

If you would like to know more about EPC plan, please read “ Can chiropractors Do Bulk Billing?”.

According to your medical history, types of pain, condition, the chiropractor at Kings Park Chiropractic will give you an indivdualised treatment plan and treatment option.

You can book an appointment with a chiropractor via phone call (02) 9837 5161 or the online booking system.

Chiropractic Service Suburbs

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Is Chiro Waste Of Money?


Have you ever tried chiro treatment for overuse, muscle injuries, and sports injuries? Musculoskeletal pain, such as neck pain, lower back pain, and shoulder pain, as well as nerve impingement caused by disc herniation, are common reasons people seek chiropractic care.

Understanding Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative medicine that utilizes manual therapies to treat mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. While medical doctors prescribe medicine for treatment, chiropractors manipulate the spine to correct misalignment.

Different Needs: Chronic vs. Acute Pain

Patients with chronic pain may require regular chiropractic treatment to maintain joint motion and control pain levels. On the other hand, individuals with acute pain need more intensive and frequent chiropractic care initially for pain relief.

The Misconception: Chiropractic as a One-Time Solution

Once acute pain is alleviated, some patients may consider further chiropractic care unnecessary and a waste of money. However, recurring pain often occurs when they return to their previous working routines or postures, and their bodies cannot compensate anymore. Patients with acute pain may need frequent visits to allied health practitioners for pain management. This creates a vicious cycle, where patients not only suffer from pain again but also spend more money than they would on regular chiropractic maintenance. There are numerous benefits to having regular chiropractic care, even if you don’t currently experience any pain. What could happen if poor posture and subluxation are not addressed for an extended period?

Long-Term Musculoskeletal Conditions – Chiro Near Me

Postural Imbalances and Their Impact – Chiropractor Near Me

Resting muscle tone refers to the tension that muscles maintain against gravity at rest to allow for a normal posture. For stationary postures, such as sitting and standing, specific muscle groups coordinate to sustain a posture against gravity.

The posture of head shifting forward, rounded shoulders, and a hunched back shortens suboccipital muscles, upper trapezius, pectoralis major and minor, and weakens deep neck flexors, middle, and lower trapezius. This postural error, called upper cross syndrome, contributes to headaches and neck pain. Anterior pelvic tilt is due to weak gluteus maximus and abdominals, which fail to hold the pelvis in the proper position. Tight hip flexors and low back extensor musculature are responsible for anterior pelvic tilt. This combination creates lower cross syndrome, characterized by muscle imbalance of these four muscles.

The Relationship Between Subluxation And Degeneration – Chiro Near Me

Understanding Vertebral Subluxation

Vertebral subluxations are commonly caused by injuries, bad posture, prolonged sitting, emotional stress, and repetitive movements. Initially, vertebral subluxations may not cause any pain, but patients may feel stiffness and discomfort where the subluxation is.

The Consequences of Untreated Subluxation

If vertebral subluxations are not corrected for a while, stiff joints and reduced range of motion may occur, leading to pain. Over time, normal spinal curvature may be lost. The loss of cervical (neck) lordosis can cause weight distribution changes on the cervical discs, potentially leading to disc herniation at different levels in the cervical region. Nerve impingement due to disc bulging compression can result in pins and needles and burning pain in corresponding nerve innervated areas. Similarly, poor posture may trigger disc bulging in the lumbar region and cause sciatica, which radiates from the lower back to the glutes, back thighs, legs, or heels.

Whether experiencing acute or chronic pain, patients often tend to see chiropractors only when they can no longer tolerate the pain. Chiropractic manipulation is a fast and effective treatment for alleviating musculoskeletal pain and removing vertebral subluxations.

However, not every issue is reversible. When musculoskeletal problems persist, such as chronic subluxations causing joint stiffness, the affected joint may begin the process of early degeneration. Early spinal degeneration is characterized by a loss of disc height and the formation of osteophytes. These changes lead to chronic joint pain and significantly reduced range of motion. Due to joint stiffness, muscles that attach to the joint work harder to generate movement, leading to tightness and tension.

Even though degeneration may happen with aging, chronic pain generated from arthritis and reduced joint motion significantly affects the quality of life.

The process of degeneration is irreversible. While spinal manipulation can improve joint motion and pain intensity, degenerated joints will not change structurally. Low-grade inflammation is associated with arthritis, leading to frequent joint pain relapses.

The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care – Chiro Near Me

Maintaining Postural Correction and Spinal Health

Undergoing regular chiropractic maintenance can maintain spinal alignment and muscle relaxation, potentially preventing early joint degeneration and pain flares. Waiting for pain to become more serious before seeking chiropractic treatment and maintenance is unnecessary.

During maintenance sessions, your chiropractor will use static and motion palpation to identify spine misalignments. Static palpation involves the patient staying still while the chiropractor palpates the spine and soft tissues to find subluxations, pain, and problematic soft tissues (inflammation). In motion palpation, the patient is mobilized in different directions to locate the affected joint and identify the direction of joint restriction.

During maintenance sessions, your chiropractor will adjust the spine to restore joint motion when misalignment is found through palpation. Vertebral subluxations may not present any pain or symptoms at all. Performing monthly chiropractic adjustments can keep you pain-free and prevent early degeneration. Additionally, better posture can be achieved as there are no restrictions preventing you from sitting or standing straighter.

Frequency of Chiropractic Maintenance

The frequency of chiro maintenance depends on the patient’s health conditions, occupation, posture, pain intensity, and more. Generally, once a month for maintenance is enough to maintain spinal health. If the patient has physical work, poor posture, and high pain intensity, more frequent treatments may be required. Maintenance visits can also be scheduled once every six weeks for patients with good posture and an active lifestyle.


Don’t wait for pain to become severe before seeking chiropractic treatment. Regular chiropractic care can prevent joint degeneration, improve spinal health, and lead to a better quality of life.

Kings Park Chiropractic – Chiro Near Me

Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic provides evidence-based healthcare for patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain, including headaches, migraines, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and sciatica. Book now. Phone: (02) 9837 5161

Service Areas of Evidence-Based Practice

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156

Does Chiropractic Care correct Poor Posture?

Healthy posture is crucial for the body to work functionally. Healthy posture is literally equivalent to the healthy spine. The concern of causing health issues from poor posture has been raised for decades.

Long term poor posture resulting in a serial of musculoskeletal problems and other conditions has been proved. However, many people still do not recognise the how severe the problems can be caused by poor posture.

The Common Postural Problems     

People who have a long sedentary time normally have the common postural problems. Slouching and hunching postures are seen frequently. This posture leads to anterior head shifting, rounded shoulders and hunched back. Skeletal muscles that use for holding the posture will become tight and fatigue.

Muscles that are not frequently to be recruited will not be activated. This bad habit results in muscle imbalance that favors some muscle groups have to work hard while other muscle groups become weak and loose. Upper cross syndrome and lower cross syndrome are the result of muscle imbalance.

Office workers spends most of their time in front of the computers. Smart phone users that look down constantly are on their phones. Those who spend a long period of time on electronic devices are more prone to have upper cross syndrome or/and lower cross syndrome.

Upper Cross SyndromeLower Cross Syndrome
Tight musclesSub-occipital musclesRectus Femoris
Upper trapeziusThoraco-lumbar extensors
Levator scapula
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Weak musclesMiddle and Lower trapeziusAbdominals
Deep neck flexorsGluteus Min/Med/Max
Serratus anterior

Health Issues With Poor Posture

Myofascial trigger points occur in the tight muscles due to poor posture. Latent and active

myofascial trigger points can exist at the same muscle. Active trigger points cause local pain or/and refer pain to the corresponding regions while latent trigger points generate pain when being rubbing or squeezing.

When muscles are tight and shortened, the muscle attaching joints will become stiff and restricted. A partial dislocation of a joint or a vertebrae out of the place is called a joint subluxation. Poor posture, repetitive motion injuries and acute injuries are the common causes of subluxation. Depending on the location of subluxation, it can cause joint dysfunction, reduced spinal mobility, muscle tightness, muscle spasm, joint pain, the sensation of pins and needles or tingling in the extremities.

Chronic vertebral subluxation not being corrected will accelerate the process of the joint degeneration or osteoarthritis. The degenerative changes will further worsen joint dysfunction and nerve interference.

Chronic pain such as headaches, neck pain, back pain are contributed by the joint restriction and tight muscles. The hunched back causing the rigid rib cage can reduce the lung expansion and result in breathing difficult.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic treatment involving spinal manipulation can improve postural issues. Spinal manipulation can interfere the central nervous system to alter the communication between the brain and the other parts of the body. Chiropractic adjustment not only increase pain tolerance but also alter the excitability of paraspinal muscles (relaxation).

Cavitation (popping sound) from chiropractic adjustment can remove spinal subluxation to increase spinal mobility. Remedial massage promote healing damage soft tissue and muscle release. Exercises and stretches strengthen weak muscles and maintain the flexibility of muscles to correct postural imbalance.

A treatment plan to achieve proper posture should combine chiropractic care, remedial massage therapy and rehabilitation. Postural correction is beneficial to people with chronic pain and for their overall health.

Chiropractic Near Me

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156