The age group from neonates(new birth to 4 weeks) to 17-year-old children is defined as paediatrics. Children’s spines that are developing and growing are different from adults’ ones. A lot of different events such as birth trauma(forceps or vacuum suction used), teething, infection, and injuries that children encounter can cause spinal misalignment. Neonates, infants and young children cannot talk or may not know how to express the locations of the problems. The issue can be trivial but possibly affects normal development and deteriorates quickly.

A tender moment as a mother holds her baby, being guided by a paediatric chiropractor at Kings Park Chiropractic for early spinal health.

Paediatric Chiropractic Treatment

Parents are always the best observers. Once you find the abnormality, let the paediatric chiropractor assess your kid to treat the problem when it is small. Chiropractic treatment for children is safe and effective. There are a few chiropractic tools to help deliver safe and gentle adjustments to correct spinal misalignment.

Paediatric Chiropractic Treatment

Paediatric Chiropractic Treatment

Paediatric chiropractic treatment is not all about spinal correction but also educating and advising what parents should do are equally important to assist recovering and prevent the reoccurrence of the underlying conditions.