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Neck pain

Diagnosing the Cervical Pain condition

What is cervical pain? kings park chiropractic clinic chiropractor will tell you why?
Cervical or neck pain is the pain associated with spondylolysis or osteoarthritis of neck and affects the bones, disc or joints in the neck region. This condition involves changes in the bones, disc or joints that are connected to the neck. The primary cause of cervical pain is wear and tear of bones and cartilage of neck other causes are muscle strain, nerve compression, injury or disease condition.

The chiropractor will tell you what causes cervical pain

The chiropractor will tell you what causes cervical pain

Cervical or neck pain is the pain associated with spondylolysis or osteoarthritis of neck and affects the bones, disc or joints in the neck region. This condition involves changes in the bones, disc or joints that are connected to the neck. The primary cause of cervical pain is wear and tear of bones and cartilage of neck other causes are muscle strain, nerve compression, injury or disease condition.

6 Benefits of Long-Term Chiropractic Care

6 Benefits of Long-Term Chiropractic Care

When you think of chiropractic you most likely think about pain relief, but did you know that there are some distinct benefits to long-term chiropractic care? Even after the pain subsides you can still enjoy some great health advantages that you probably never even considered.

The Benefits of Long-Term Chiropractic Care

Now that we have a better understanding of what chiropractic care is and how it works, let’s take a closer look at the many benefits of long-term chiropractic care.

Injury prevention. One of the most important benefits of regular chiropractic care is injury prevention. Chiropractic adjustments help reduce pain and tension and improve overall balance and mobility. A body that moves better is one that is less prone to falls and other injuries, especially as we age.

Improved mental health. You may be surprised to learn that regular chiropractic care can help reduce stress and depression. Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Chiropractic adjustments help reduce stress on the spinal column, leading to improved nervous system functioning. When the nervous system is functioning properly, it can better regulate the body’s response to stress. Additionally, the reduction or elimination of pain, particularly chronic pain, through regular chiropractic care can enhance overall well-being and contribute to a more positive daily outlook.

Enhanced mobility and balance. Chiropractic adjustments specifically target what are called spinal subluxations. Subluxations are misalignments of the spine that can cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Regular chiropractic care helps relieve subluxations, improve spinal alignment, and restore range of motion in the joints. This leads to improved mobility and balance, both in the short-term and long-term.

Greater immunity to disease. When the nervous system is functioning properly, the body’s immune system is better able to fight off infection and disease. By reducing stress on the nervous system with regular spinal adjustments, you can help improve your overall immunity to disease. Additionally, because chiropractic adjustments improve blood flow throughout the body, they also help promote tissue repair and healing.

Increased bodily awareness. Adding chiropractic to your health care routine can contribute to a greater awareness of changes to your physical well-being. By working with a chiropractor to reduce chronic pain and improve overall bodily functioning, you should be better able to sense when something isn’t quite right. For example, if you develop a subluxation or misalignment in your spine, you may notice it sooner than you would if you struggled with daily pain and stiffness. A chiropractor can also help support you in improving your nutrition, sleep habits, physical activity, and other building blocks of a healthy lifestyle.

Greater flexibility. A flexible body is another great benefit of long-term chiropractic care. When your spine is aligned correctly, your muscles and joints are able to move more freely. This increased range of motion can lead to improved flexibility.

Making chiropractic a part of your health care routine has many long-term benefits. At Kennedy Chiropractic Center, Dr. Corinne Kennedy provides expert chiropractic care and holistic health support to the greater Wauwatosa community. Whether you are looking to reduce pain, improve mobility, or enhance your health care routine, we can help. Contact Kennedy Chiropractic today.

Long term chiropractic care offers many benefits beyond pain management. If you’re not sure what advantages you can enjoy with long term chiropractic care, give us a call.

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Why Does My Body Feel So Achy When It Rains?

Why Does My Body Feel So Achy When It Rains?

Why Does My Arthritis Hurt When It Rains?

Arthritis responds to changes in barometric pressure. When it rains outside, atmospheric pressure drops. Once your body detects this change in pressure, soft tissue will swell up and joint space will compress. As a result of the swelling and compression, the fluid in the joints expands which can irritate nerves and impair joint mechanics.

Another reason for increased stiffness/pain during the rain is because rainy/cold weather prevents you from moving around the way you usually do. When weather forces you to spend more time indoors and restricts your movement, it can make your inactive joints become stiff and ache more.

The Connection Between Cold Weather and Inflammation

When the weather outside is cold, joint pain and arthritis can flare up. That’s because cold weather can cause inflammation, which can worsen these conditions.

There are a few ways that cold weather can contribute to inflammation. For one, colder temperatures can cause the body’s tissue to contract. This can put pressure on joints and nerves, which can lead to pain. Cold weather can also disrupt the production of collagen, which is a protein that helps keep joints healthy.

Barometric Pressure Changes and Body Aches

Have you ever noticed that your joints seem to ache more when the barometric pressure changes? You’re not alone. Many people with joint pain or arthritis report feeling more pain on days when the weather is changing.

There’s no definitive answer as to why this happens, but there are a few theories:

  • Increased inflammation:

     Changes in barometric pressure can cause inflammation in the joints. Increased inflammation can then lead to more pain.

  • Extra fluid putting pressure on nerves.

     Our joints are filled with fluid, and when the atmospheric pressure decreases, that fluid is forced out of the joints and into the surrounding tissues. This extra fluid puts pressure on the nerves and leads to pain

  • Colder temperatures.

     Another reason why we may feel aches and pains during rainy weather is because of the temperature difference. Colder temperatures can cause the muscles and tendons to contract, which can lead to pain.

  • Nerve signaling changes.

     Another theory suggests that changes in barometric pressure may affect the way nerves transmit pain signals to the brain. When the barometric pressure drops, it may cause the nerves to become more sensitive, leading to an increase in pain perception.

How to Ease Body Aches with Weather Changes

If you suffer from joint pain or arthritis, there are a few things you can do to help ease your symptoms during cold weather months such as:

Dress Warmly

Make sure to dress warmly and protect your joints from the cold as much as possible. Try to stay dry. If you can, stay indoors when it’s raining. If you must go outside, wear waterproof clothing. This will help to keep your body dry and reduce the amount of pressure on your joints.

You might also want to consider taking a hot shower or bath to help relax your muscles and joints.

Stay Active

Exercise is a great way to keep your body healthy and fit, but it can also help relieve some of the aches and pains that come along with weather changes. When the weather outside is colder, our bodies tend to tense up and we may start to feel stiffness in our muscles. Exercise can help loosen up these muscles and keep them flexible. It’s also a good way to get rid of any pent-up energy that may be making you feel jittery.

If you suffer from joint pain, exercise can also be helpful. Low-impact activities like walking or swimming can help increase blood flow to the joints and reduce inflammation.

Stay Hydrated

When we are properly hydrated, our cells are able to maintain their structure and function. But when we become dehydrated, our cells shrink and become less flexible. This makes them more susceptible to changes in pressure and temperature, which can lead to pain.

So how can we prevent weather-related body aches? The key is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid diuretics like caffeine and alcohol.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you experience pain in your joints or muscles when it rains, talk to your doctor. There are treatments available that can help to reduce the pain and make it more manageable. With the right treatment, you can continue to enjoy your life despite the rainy weather.

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Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Why Cupping is Good for Weight Loss

Why Cupping is Good for Weight Loss

If you’ve tried faddy diets, you’ve gone on relentless exercise regimes or you genuinely do eat healthily but nothing shifts those extra pounds, then you need to re-think! It’s widely documented that certain alternative therapy treatments can actually help you reach your weight loss goals.

One of the most talked about (and the most successful) is cupping for weight loss. You possibly wonder why all the conventional weight loss methods stop working after a while. Well, one of the main reasons is that after the age of 25, your metabolism starts to slow down. Before you embark on cupping for weight loss, here’s some more information.

How can cupping help?

Cupping massage, along with diet and exercise, is one of the most effective ways to help break up cellulite. As we’ve mentioned, a combination of factors lead to the appearance of cellulite, and cupping is a great option for targeting each of those specific issue. The suction created by the cups helps to ‘unclog’ the lymphatic system, reducing fluid retention and helping to boost healthy circulation. Without good blood flow and proper drainage, fluid can get trapped under the skin, leading to issues in feel and appearance.

Cupping also has a major effect on the fascia. When fat cells get trapped under the skin, they can get ‘welded’ to the fascia, which is the network of tissue that lies beneath the skin to help our muscular system move smoothly and freely. Cupping helps provide deep but gentle penetration of the skin to the fascia, separate the stuck layers, and free those fat cells.

And the best part? Body cupping feels amazing! Not only will it get your skin into shape and help with your weight loss journey, it can also help ease the sore muscles that arrive after a great workout. Cupping is easy to incorporate into your day, whether you do it in the shower or for end-of-the-day relaxation. You’ll not only see a rapid improvement in the look and feel of your skin, you’ll also experience less inflammation and quicker recovery time from muscle pain.

When to avoid cupping

TCM slimming treatments are holistic methods for weight loss. However, just like with drastic exercise and diet changes, one should exercise caution with cupping. Cupping is not advised for patients with or prone to skin ulcers or edema. It is not suitable for pregnant women and patients with fever. Mild discomfort after cupping, or burns and bruises for a short period of time are common.

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Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Is Airplane ride giving you back pain? Follow these tips!

Is Airplane ride giving you back pain? Follow these tips!

Traveling for long hours in an airplane with forced immobility in the body can cause stiffness of the body and sometimes can also result in severe back pain. Another reason for back pain is the luggage and heavy baggage you carry in the cabinet. When you slide your luggage on a cart it doesn’t feel like you are carrying the weight but the movement of your arms and hands can lead to pain in the shoulder and back area.

What can I do to ease my back pain?


Believe it not your preparation begins before you even take off. The stronger your back and core is before the flight, the better chance you have of surviving it without pain. Participating in activities like Pilates or similar core strengthening exercises can go a long way in the battle against back pain.

There are methods to alleviate your back pain while you’re in the air as well. These include:

walking up and down the aisle every 40 minutes or so will allow your back muscles to loosen up a little.

Keep your legs in a proper position and your feet straight on the floor. Also, ensure that the knees and hips are at the same height. Doing this will help in keeping stress off from the lower back.

If you have lower back issues, bringing a lumber pillow will be essential to keep you comfortable and reduce lower back pain during the flight. Plane seats typically have no lumbar support and your lower back will the unsupported and strained for the whole flight if you do not bring your own lumbar pillow.

If you are still experiencing pain after your flight, it’s important to get up and moving. Avoid sitting or lying down for long periods of time as this could just make the pain worse.
Seeing your chiropractor is always an option if you are feeling the effects of flight related back pain. Sometimes a simple adjustment to your spine before and after a plane trip can save you from dealing with unnecessary back pain. Talk to your chiropractor about good posture techniques and exercises for your travels.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

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Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Can Crossing Your Legs Lead to Back Pain?

Can Crossing Your Legs Lead to Back Pain?

Crossing your legs seems like a perfectly harmless act. Everyone does it (usually on a daily basis), and most people don’t even think twice about it. Although there are no immediately recognizable negative effects of crossing your legs, other than a brief tingling sensation in your foot, it can lead to some unseen consequences when it comes to your back and spine. Read on to learn more about how leg crossing can impact your back.

The Effects of Leg Crossing

The main issue is that crossing your legs makes it almost impossible to sit perfectly straight. In turn your body will become used to this lopsided position, and your pelvis may slowly rotate over time and become tilted.

In the long-term, a tilted pelvis caused by leg-crossing can result in extreme lower back pain and discomfort, while continuing to sit in this way may result in more severe misalignment of the spine. Sufferers are often known to experience chronic pain particularly in the lumbar of the spine but this can move all the way up to your neck.

Improper posture can cause your muscles to work overtime to compensate for the posture changes, resulting in more pain and stiffness. This, combined with leaning to the side, can result in an extremely slouched posture and pain as your muscles become compressed within your shoulder blades. A slouched posture will usually result in rounded shoulders which then impacts your range of movement in the shoulder, leading to decreased movement which can impact everyday tasks.

So, Should I Stop Crossing my Legs Completely?

Crossing your legs can be incredibly comfortable – that’s why many people do it on a regular basis. So should you completely cut leg crossing out of your routine? Truth be told, crossing your legs once in a while or for short periods of time probably will not hurt your back that much. But keeping your legs crossed for lengthy periods of time, and simply sitting down for long periods of time, can lead to the development of lower back pain.

So cut out the sitting from your routine as much as possible. Get up from your desk and walk to the water cooler once every hour. Better yet, invest in a stand up desk if your office allows it. Whatever you can do to keep your body active and avoid long periods of sitting (with or without crossed legs) will ultimately benefit your spine health and reduce back pain.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

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Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

9 Myths About Massage Therapy

How Often Should You Get a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Chiropractic care is a treatment that manipulates the spine to align it with healthy, normal curves. The goal is to restore mobility and relieve pain so patients can live life fully without limitations. If you have back or neck pain, going to the chiropractic clinic may be the best way to manage the situation. But how frequently should you go for chiropractic adjustments? 

Why should I visit a chiropractor?

Various physical conditions will send you to the chiropractic clinic. The main ones are:

– Neck and back pain

– Strained or torn muscle

– Pinched nerves, especially if a nerve has been compressed for a long time and at the same location

– Arthritis, which causes joint pain in your body, including in the spine

However, there’s a lot more that you can get from a chiropractic adjustment other than pain relief from the conditions mentioned above. Most professionals will try to identify the root cause of the pain or the situation that triggered it. The chiropractor will then create a plan to help you eliminate these issues for good. You can also get valuable information about maintaining your body to keep these conditions from recurring.

The answer to the question “how often should you go to the chiropractor” is not an easy one.

Every person, condition, and body is different. Every chiropractor is different, too. The shortest and most direct answer to this question is that this depends on many factors and so it will differ.

Minor Pain

If you are experiencing relatively minor pain, your doctor may ask you to come in once or twice in quick succession during the first week or two, and then reduce visits to weekly after that. When a patient’s pain is not that intense or long-term, a few visits may be enough to make a major difference.

Intense Or Chronic Pain

If you’re in serious pain, your chiropractor will, at first, have you visit fairly frequently for a while. In time, and as your condition improves, he or she will ask you to continue to come on a regular basis, but not as often as in the beginning.

If you experience intense lower back pain, for example, or chronic pain that returns time and time again, your chiropractor will likely schedule follow-up appointments with you several times a week for the first month. These visits will help him or her to get to the root of the problem, and will help alleviate some pain that you experience.

In most cases, you will experience some relief after a week or two of regular visits. If your pain does not subside, your chiropractor will encourage you to stick with it. They will ask you to come on a consistent basis a bit longer.

In time, your pain will decrease and the frequency of your visits will reduce. You can continue to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care, but you will still need to visit your doctor on an ongoing basis, but you won’t have to go as often.

Chiropractic Care Can Change Your Life

It all starts with your first visit. During that visit, you will find out how to alleviate your pain, and you’ll discover the answer to how often you should go to the chiropractor. After that, you can begin to enjoy your life free of pain and increased wellness.

But remember, chiropractic maintenance care is important if you want to experience the best results. Prevention can go a long way, too, to maintain your well-being.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kings Langley NSW 2147

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Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Chiropractic Adjustment Helps to Relieve Stress

How Chiropractic Adjustment Helps to Relieve Stress

Stress is a prevalent component in today’s fast-paced world which can negatively impact on an individual’s health and well-being. Massage therapy has been shown to be a means by which stress can be reduced significantly on physical and psychological levels. 

Can Stress Make You Ill?

Can stress make you sick? Can stress go so far as to kill you? The short answer is yes. Research shows that chronic stress can lead to life-threatening and chronic disease 4. Many experts theorize this is due to increased inflammation that arises in the body due to stress, as well as the body’s lack of resources and energy put toward immunity. Surprisingly, inflammation is a major marker in many chronic diseases, such as heart disease. And when it comes down to it, these diseases can lead to death. This is why it’s vitally important for each person to learn how to manage and prevent chronic stress from occurring. Here are the stress-relieving benefits from visiting a chiropractor.

Benefit 1: Controlling Your Body’s Response To Stress

Your body has a natural response to stress by releasing cortisol. This ancient physical response is what saved people from wild animals and other dangers, but today, humans experience stress at work or home instead. At a chiropractor’s office, you can have spinal adjustments that will release the tension in your body’s nerves so that your glands stop producing as much adrenaline. With less adrenaline production, you will feel calmer, leading to a reduction in stress.

Benefit 2: Sleeping Better At Night

If you are not sleeping through the night, then you will experience more stress. While you are sleeping, your body produces beneficial chemicals that will soothe your mind, leading to additional relaxation. With more sleep at night, you are able to cope with the stresses at work and home to avoid the health complications associated with anxiety. With chiropractic treatment, your body will relax at night so that you can sleep soundly in order to have less anxiety the next day.

Benefit 3: Preventing Lifelong Health Problems

With regular chiropractic care Idaho Falls treatments, you can prevent lifelong health problems such as cardiovascular disease, chronic headaches or arthritic conditions. Researchers know that stress can lead to health issues because your body is bombarded constantly by a high level of detrimental hormones. When you feel stress, your body tends to become tenser, leading to muscular aches and joint pain, but spinal adjustments will release this tension.

Benefit 4: Improving Your Posture and Body Movement

If you are feeling stress, you might slump in your chair at work or you may walk stiffly while at home. This is because stress makes your muscles contract, making it difficult to move and sit normally. A chiropractor can provide expert spinal adjustments to release the tension in your back so that you have better posture and body movement. By walking and sitting correctly, you will place less stress on your body’s internal organs and joints, improving the way that you feel each day.

Benefit 5: Creating a Clearer Mind

Daily stress affects your mind, and your problems at work or home can make it difficult to think clearly. Fortunately, treatments from a chiropractor can eliminate your stressful thoughts, leading to more mental clarity. Eliminating the anxiety from your mind also helps to reduce the detrimental stress-related problems from your body. 

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Kings Park NSW 2148

Blacktown NSW 2148

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

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Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769