Which Exercises To Avoid If You Have Spine Pain

Which Exercises To Avoid If You Have Spine Pain

Physical activity is a great way to prevent and treat back pain and Spine Pain – but did you know that some exercises can do more harm than good?

To avoid putting too much strain on the joints, ligaments, and muscles in your back, here is a list of exercises to avoid, as well as some alternatives. Talk to your chiropractor to determine which exercises are right for you.

  1. Sit Ups/Crunches – You may have heard that a strong core is important for your spine, but don’t do a bunch of sit ups in order to strengthen your core, because this action can be really hard on your spine. This motion tends to put excessive strain on your spinal discs, and if they are the source of your back discomfort, sit ups will only make your symptoms worse. Instead of sit ups or crunches, consider doing some planks.
  2. Running

     – Running is a very popular form of exercise, but it is also classified as a high-impact activity because of the shock your body absorbs with every step you take. You can try to land lightly on your feet and take some of this shock off of your spine, but oftentimes it’s best to just choose a different form of exercise. Swimming laps at the pool will help your spine avoid the high impact stress that it endures when you’re running.

  3. Biking

     – When done correctly, biking isn’t all that hard on your spine. However, if you don’t have the seat positioned correctly for your size, you have poor form or you like to bike off-road on some bumpier terrain, biking can take a significant toll on your spine. Talk to your doctor to see if biking is something you can safely pursue in spite of your spinal discomfort. If you’re set on biking but the position is hard on your back, consider a recumbent bicycle.

  4. Free Weights

     – You may think that the best way to strengthen your spine and overcome your back pain is to lift weights, but those heavy weights can overload an area that is already injured or weakened. Instead of lifting heavy weights, oftentimes it’s best to either lift lighter weights for more repetitions, or transition to other types of exercise, like resistance training. Trying to hit a new personal maximum while nursing a lingering back issue is a recipe for disaster.

If you can swap in some different exercises in lieu of these activities that can be a little harder on your back, you’ll be putting your spine in a better position to make a full recovery.

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Sciatica: How to treatment ?

Understanding the Different Types of Adult Spine Deformities

When you think of spinal deformities, you may think of scoliosis — most commonly, scoliosis that occurs in kids and teens whose backs develop a curve as they grow. 

But spinal deformities can affect adults, too, causing pain and other symptoms that can have a marked impact on your mobility, activity, and quality of life.


Kyphosis is seen when a person’s spinal balance has moved too far forward to allow the spine to effectively carry the body weight without progressive deformity, pain or neurologic loss of function. Patients typically walk in a forward flexed posture being unable to stand up straight. This condition can also occur along with scoliosis causing Kyphoscoliosis.


Lordosis is a spine deformity that causes an inward curve in your lower back (the lumbar spine). You may have heard lordosis called by its (rather unflattering) nickname, “swayback.”

Like many adult spine deformities, lordosis can be associated with age-related changes like arthritis or osteoporosis, with other spine conditions, or even with obesity. 

Lordosis can cause pain when lifting or bending, and it may also cause pain in other weight-bearing joints, like your knees.


Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that can occur in any age group. Scoliosis is a coronal plane (i.e. side to side) deformity occurring in children, adolescents, and adults. Symptoms vary with age of onset and severity of the curvature; cosmetic problems including sitting imbalance, breathing difficulty or delayed development is common findings in infants and young children. A rib hump, pelvic or shoulder height imbalance tend to common in the adolescent group. Intractable back pain, sciatica, leg weakness or numbness and gait difficulty are common reasons for surgical correction in adults.

Treating spine deformities

Spine deformities can cause painful symptoms, but fortunately, we can treat many of these problems conservatively with nonsurgical options. 

Depending on the results of your evaluation, your treatment plan could include:

  • Medication to relieve pain or inflammation

  • Physical therapy to improve spine mobility and flexibility

  • Posture exercises

  • Lifestyle changes to avoid back strain

  • Bracing to aid in alignment and support

Most people benefit from a combination of therapies, with adjustments made as your symptoms evolve or improve. For more severe issues or if these options don’t help relieve your pain,  May recommend surgery to address problems with your discs, spinal nerves, or vertebrae (your spine bones). 

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Which Exercises To Avoid If You Have Spine Pain

6 Ways Chiropractors Can Help Prevent and Treat Sports Injuries

Injuries can quickly throw off your sports season. You might end up spending more time on the sidelines than expected, and inevitably, getting back into it all can pose an equally tough scenario.

Here are six things you can do to reduce your risk of sports-related injury:

Injury Prevention Tip #1: Keep Your Body Strong

Many injuries can be avoided by maintaining strong muscles and bones. This is fairly intuitive, as one can easily imagine a stronger tissue being more resistant to tearing and breaking than a weaker tissue would be.

One of the best ways to make your body strong is to perform regular strengthening exercise.

It doesn’t take much to improve strength. For instance, research indicates that as few as 2-3 total body resistance training workouts per week is plenty for optimal muscle and bone health.

Beyond resistance training, you should also aim to eat a good diet that is rich in micronutrients and macronutrients. These food substances help to build up tissues on a cellular level. Be sure to eat plenty of high-protein, high-vitamin, and high-mineral foods every day.

Injury Prevention Tip #2: Stay hydrated

Believe it or not, drinking enough water can help prevent injuries. Staying hydrated helps improve mobility, recovery, and thermoregulation. It also improves mental clarity, which boosts performance and minimizes the chances of injury.

Injury Prevention Tip #3: Keep Your Body Flexible

Beyond maintaining a strong body, you should also seek to keep yourself as flexible as possible.

To illustrate this point, think about a tree.

Trees are incredibly strong, stable structures that can support incredible amounts of weight. At the same time, trees can also bend and flex during heavy wind storms.

By being both strong and flexible, trees are resilient against many different forces that occur in nature.

Much like resistance training, it doesn’t take much stretching in order to become flexible. By performing stretches for the major muscle groups about 3 times a week for roughly 30 minutes each session, you’ll watch your flexibility increase markedly in no time at all.

Injury Prevention Tip #4:Wear the proper gear:

Players, especially children, should wear the proper protective equipment, such as pads (neck, shoulder, elbow, chest, knee, shin), helmets, mouthpieces, face guards, protective cups, and eyewear. And it’s important that this equipment is properly fitted.

Injury Prevention Tip #5: Participate in Many Different Activities

An interesting phenomenon that has been observed in youth sports is that those kids who participate in many different sports seem to experience fewer injuries than those who specialize in only one sport.

It’s not exactly clear why this is the case. However, it seems likely that kids who develop their muscles in many planes of movement are better able to develop said muscles so that they are more resistant to injury.

We can also apply this theory to adults. Many adults who participate in different activities are less susceptible to muscle tears and other, similar injuries.

Therefore, the people who ski in the winter, swim in the summer, and complete other activities during different parts of the year are doing great things for their bodies!

Injury Prevention Tip #6: Visit Your Chiropractor Regularly

Even though chiropractic treatments focus primarily on the spine, these amazing adjustments lead to improved total body health and wellness.

Chiropractic manipulations realign the spine, enabling the central nervous system to communicate better with other parts of the body. This improved communication allows for healing, increased strength, and better body mechanics. In turn, this enables patients to resist injuries and heal in less time when they suffer from an unavoidable injury.

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Dry needling can help reduce pain and soreness

Do you suffer from chronic muscle pain? Trouble with your joints? Pain interfering with all the aspects of your life? Well, you are not alone.

An estimated 1.7 billion people suffer from musculoskeletal pain globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It is the leading cause of disability in about 160 countries.

There are many treatments for muscle pain. Medications, surgery, steroid injections, and others. But these all come with risks and a prolonged recovery time. This is why many people are now seeking non-surgical drug-free natural remedies for pain.

One such alternative pain treatment is dry needling. Don’t be fooled by its name. Poking needles into your body may be cringe-worthy, but the benefits will amaze you.

Dry needling helps men and women with various musculoskeletal conditions. It is an effective natural treatment that relieves your muscle pain with minimal downtime and immediate results.

How does dry needling work?

In short, it works by stimulating your brain when the needles are gently pierced through your myofascial trigger points. Stay with us here. Myofascial is just an intelligent way of saying chronic muscular pain disorder. In plain English, it’s a pain caused by muscle irritation.

What Are The Benefits Of Dry Needling?

Eases Your Pain

A study shows dry needling can treat myofascial pain or chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Deep dry needling can be preferred since it bores deeper into the muscle and connective tissue. In contrast, superficial needling is inserting the needle under the skin or subcutaneous tissue.

Several studies also reveal immediate effects and short-term improvement in pain with only a few sessions.

Relaxes Your Tight Muscles

You may experience pain in the form of a stiff or knotted muscle. It happens when your muscle fibres contract and don’t return to their relaxed state. Stress, injury, pinched nerve, or other abnormalities in your body tend to cause knots and stiffness.

Also called a myofascial trigger point, it can be painful and hard to move as the muscle lacks oxygenated blood. Dry needling relaxes the myofascial trigger points causing your muscle to twitch. The muscle then goes back to its lengthy state, and natural movement returns.

Restores Your Muscle Function

As dry needling eases your trigger points, the muscle becomes less stiff or tense. As a result, proper mobility and range of motion are achieved.

Athletes, in particular, can benefit from dry needling. Their muscles may be injured due to repeated use or incorrect movements over time. Dry needling improves their muscles’ range of motion resulting in better performance.

Speeds Up Your Recovery Time

One of the biological effects of dry needling is vasodilation. As a result, there is an increase in blood flow, and the affected area receives the needed oxygen and nutrients for the muscles to heal.

Moreover, there is minimal downtime as dry needling only takes a few minutes. Generally, people bounce back to their daily routine after the procedure.

Less Costly

Dry needling is a minimally invasive procedure compared to surgery, and it poses a low risk for severe complications. Besides that, dry needling is more affordable. The reasonable cost makes it more accessible to those looking for a pain management treatment that’s worth the price.

An added plus, patients do not have to shell out cash for hospital admissions.

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Which Exercises To Avoid If You Have Spine Pain

Supplement Your Running Routine With Chiropractic Care

Running is one of the best workouts you can do. It’s an amazing form of cardio that keeps your heart healthy, your weight down and your lungs happy. Regular runners are some of the most fit people I know, not only (literally) running circles around me during workouts, but always having great endurance no matter what exercise is underway. However, running can put tremendous stress on the body. This is especially true for the joints of the legs.

Luckily, runners can decrease their chances of suffering from injuries and improve their running performance simply by visiting their local chiropractor on a regular basis. In this article, we will review some common running injuries and demonstrate how chiropractic care can help these individuals recover from injuries and stay fit for the activity they love.


Runners can suffer from a variety of ailments. That being said, in the following list, we have compiled some of the most common injuries experienced by these athletes.

Knee Pain

Our knees act as shock absorbers when we walk, jump, and run. These joints tend to wear down in runners, especially those who run with improper form. 

Additionally, wearing shoes that aren’t appropriate for running can increase the risk of developing knee pain. Poor shoe selection can alter your gait significantly, leading to many different orthopedic issues. 

Back Pain

When you go on a long run, you may feel a deep soreness in your back during and after the session. Often, this is due to your posture during the run, or muscle tightness/weakness throughout your hips and trunk.

By improving posture and flexibility, many runners can experience decreased back pain and better mile times.

Plantar Fasciitis

On the bottom of our feet, we find a stiff band of tissue known as the plantar fascia. Under normal situations, the plantar fascia helps us to spring forward when we are walking or running.

However, if this tissue becomes overly tight, we can experience pain in this area when we participate in athletic activities. This is especially true when we first wake up, after allowing the plantar fascia to tighten up while we sleep.

Generally, this condition will improve with conservative methods such as stretching and strengthening. But for some, plantar fasciitis can hang around for a very long time.

Stress Fractures

Many distance runners will develop a serious condition known as a stress fracture. With a proper diagnosis of the injury, rest, and good nutrition, many athletes recover completely from stress fractures. 

Unfortunately, some running athletes find it hard to take breaks from running, and they never allow their injury to fully recover. This is particularly problematic when it comes to stress fractures. If left untreated, stress fractures can progress to full-fledged fractures where the bone breaks completely. This injury often requires surgery and months of rehabilitation after the fact.


Chiropractic care is way more than just cracking bones back into place. It is a specialized way to realign the spine and pelvis back to their optimal position in the body, which affects the function of all the bodily systems, especially the nervous and immune systems. For runners, it is important to keep specific parts of the body healthy. The back, neck, pelvis, knees, hips, tendons and joints working at their optimal health levels. When there are misalignments in the body, then it can affect all these aspects.

Subluxations in the spine are the main culprit behind a lot of these issues. Also known as pockets of built up pressure, these subluxations can put tension on one part of the body, causing the other parts of the body to make up that affected area. When the healthy parts of the body are working overtime, it makes the body more susceptible to injury. By removing the spinal subluxations, chiropractors may be able to limit the injury risk for runners.

By incorporating chiropractic treatments into your training, then you may be able to successfully supplement your workout program. Chiropractic is a generally low-risk treatment that allow the body to be treated naturally, without the use of potentially harmful pain medications. Although chiropractic is a great resource for athletes, it is safe enough for any age group to incorporate into their lives. 

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Sport Injuries treatment plan

Should I See a Chiropractor After a Sports Injury?

If you were tackled on the field or suffered trauma to a tendon, chances are you have been dealing with pain for some time. Sports injuries can seem innocent at first, but left untreated – or inadequately treated – they can become chronic conditions that don’t improve without intervention.

Chiropractic techniques can be used to help heal sports injuries and provide relief from any pain or discomfort that will have you back to engaging in sports activities in no time.

How Can Chiropractors Help Injuries?

Chiropractors are skilled in manual adjustment of the spine and make sure that bones are lined up and balanced. This helps relieve tension and pressure in the body like the neck, back shoulder, knee, and ankle. Their main goal is to focus on restoring the joint function by making adjustments to alleviate joint inflammation and reducing pain.

When meeting with a chiropractor, you will be asked questions about your health and perform a structural exam of your back, tendons, ligaments, and joints. You may experience audible cracking sounds called joint cavitation, due to the gas released when the joint opens up and motion is restored. Chiropractors will use several treatment methods to relieve pain like a spinal mobilization that requires a gentle approach or simple stretching to help with joint pressure. They also utilize methods to reduce pain such as ice, heat, or electric stimulation. It is important to discuss all of your health symptoms with your doctor so they can consider all possible and available treatment options.

Three advantages

As well as speeding up recovery from injury, your chiropractor can enhance your performance, and help prevent future problems.

Unlike painkilling drugs, chiropractic gets behind the cause of the injury, rather than just treating the injury itself. Your chiropractor will carry out a full examination (including x-rays if necessary), and ask you questions about your sporting life, posture, medical history and lifestyle, to discover the cause of your poor performance and make a diagnosis.

Then your treatment will begin, often with gentle, specific adjustments done by hand to free stiff joints and remove spinal joint irritation. This effective drug-free treatment is generally painless, although you may feel some short-term discomfort around the injured area. Treatment will normally be followed by a rehabilitation plan to strengthen the injured area, improve your flexibility and prevent future flare-ups.

Chiropractic treatment aims to restore normal function to your joints and muscles as well as your nervous system and may increase your control, co-ordination and muscle strength.

Like most athletes who have benefited from chiropractic care, you may decide to return for regular check ups to keep your body working at its best. Regardless of your age, condition or health, chiropractic care may improve your athletic potential.

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Sport Injuries treatment plan

Muscle Strain? Chiropractic Can Help

When people think of chiropractic care, they usually picture spinal manipulation to treat misaligned vertebrae, headaches, or neck pain. Not everyone knows that chiropractors also treat pulled muscles. If you’re an athlete struggling with muscular pain, learn more about this injury and how a chiropractor can help.

How to Prevent Pulled Muscles

Although the risk of muscle strain is highest among athletes, everyone should be mindful of daily activities that could cause muscle strain. To prevent injuries in the future, follow these tips:

  • Warm up before exercising or playing sports.
  • Stretch in the morning, after you exercise, and before bed to increase your flexibility.
  • Increase the intensity of your workout routine gradually rather than pushing yourself too hard, too soon.
  • Practice good lifting techniques.
  • Sit and stand with proper posture.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight to avoid stressing your leg and back muscles.

Chiropractic Care  for Pulled Muscles

Chiropractic Care for Pulled Muscles

Musculoskeletal Manipulation

One way a chiropractor can help you deal with a strained muscle is through musculoskeletal manipulation. This effective technique lightly manipulates the joints and tissue to reduce the pain of a pulled muscle and release tight muscles, which promotes mobility and expedites your body’s healing process.

Active Release Technique

Another effective strategy for relieving a pulled muscle is to use the active release technique. A chiropractor uses the dynamic release technique by breaking up adhesions that build up due to scar tissue in the muscle. Ultimately, this is a great way to gain more mobility and reduce the painful symptoms of muscle strain.


One of the best ways to treat a pulled muscle is through rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Also known as the “R.I.C.E” method, this treatment can help improve the recovery process while also reducing the pain of a muscle strain. A chiropractor can help you develop a detailed regimen to help you overcome a pulled muscle. When you have a musculoskeletal problem, your best bet is to consult the musculoskeletal specialists at Kings Park Chiropractic.

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