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The ways to relieve back pain from a chiropractor near me

Here’s What Happens When You Have Bad Posture

Good posture is about more than looking good and moving gracefully. You need good posture to keep your entire body healthy and functioning with the least possible stress.

Bad posture alone can lead to chronic pain. If you have ongoing pain that’s not caused by an injury or degenerative disease, chances are poor posture contributes to the problem.

Seven Effects of Bad Posture

1. Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain

Poor posture or slouching can lead to tension and pain in your neck, upper back, lower back, and shoulders. Be careful that you don’t overcorrect on your own wrongly by pulling your shoulders back too far as this could cause muscle tension and stiffness.

2. Poor Circulation

If you sit for hours, especially if it’s daily, in a chair with poor posture, you’re putting yourself at risk of developing or worsening circulation problems. By sitting with poor posture all day, you’re keeping your body from obtaining the necessary circulation it requires.

Poor posture can also make you vulnerable to varicose veins.

3. Impaired Lung Function

Poor posture causes problems beyond your musculoskeletal system. When your posture bends the spine, it also contracts your rib cage. This reduces the space around your lungs, affects your diaphragm, and makes it hard to take a deep breath.

4. Bones become misaligned

Good posture (called the neutral position) holds your bones in a precise alignment that balances your body and supports healthy movement. Every time you move, especially when walking or running, your bones sustain a tremendous amount of shock and stress.

Proper body alignment (good posture) distributes the pressure among multiple structures. This prevents injuries by ensuring one bone, muscle, or joint doesn’t take on more stress than it can handle.

Every time your posture leaves the neutral position (poor posture), your body compensates by placing more pressure on one structure. The imbalance that poor posture causes leads to injuries and other problems that limit your ability to stay active.

5. Poor Digestion

If you have a desk job then you likely know how easy it is to slouch your shoulders and neck over your abdomen and chest. When you slouch, you compress your abdominal organs, including your digestive tract.

Doing this can over time, negatively impact your metabolism and your ability to process foods properly, potentially resulting in a nutritional deficiency.

6. Body loses balance

Most people take balance for granted, but it requires extensive coordination among bones, joints, muscles, and your sensory system.

Movements like twisting, turning, bending, or a sudden response to catch a falling object rely on your body’s ability to adjust its posture to maintain balance. Chronically poor posture throws this system off, causing balance problems that make it hard to move.

The good news is that chiropractic care can retrain your body and restore optimal posture. If you have ongoing pain without an obvious cause, it may be time to schedule a posture assessment.

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Children Chiropractic

Children’s Adjustments same as Adults?

No, but the basic premise of Chiropractic Treatment is the same for adults as it is for children.Their main goal is to restore proper alignment, alleviate pain, and contribute to overall health and wellness. It’s crucial to take care of our bodies at the youngest age in order to prevent lifelong pain or chronic issues. Let’s dive deeper into the differences, if any, between adult and child chiropractic care.


During birth, a baby can experience trauma as they exit the birth canal. This delivery can affect their body and may not be noticed until symptoms appear months down the road. A chiropractor can help to align their tiny spines so that they do not have severe issues down the road, or simply so they can sleep better at night. Chiropractors will be much gentler than they would be with an adult. Although adjusting an adult can take some strength and brute, this intensity isn’t necessary for children.

Treatment Reason

Parents seek out chiropractic care for many reasons. Of course, trauma from birth such as torticollis, plagiocephaly, tongue tie and low tone. If children are not meeting their milestones, a pediatric chiropractor will examine the developing nervous system to develop a care plan and exercises to integrate primitive reflexes.

As a child develops, parents might notice risks associated to bad posture, scoliosis or lack of coordination. Chiropractic care can help balance both the brain and spine to improve these conditions.

Chiropractic care can also accelerate recovery from sports for both children and adults. Injuries to the spine, knees, shoulders and everything in between can be diagnosed and treated in a chiropractor’s office. Modalities such as ultrasound is not for developing bones, however, once children are old enough to sit still in the teen years, electric stimulation can also help recover and back to normal activities.


Ultrasound and electro therapy are commonly used in chiropractor offices. Although they benefit adults, they aren’t used on children regularly. This is because it’s difficult to have a child sit still for up to 15 minutes. The electro machine’s current may also worry a child with its new sensation that they’re not used to. A big key difference between adult and child chiropractic care is the therapy provided outside of spinal adjustments.

Providing children with regular chiropractic visits can help their bodies adjust to growing pains over the years. It may also prevent injury from their extracurricular life. 

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

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Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Can You Self-Diagnose a Herniated Disc?

How to Prevent Too Much Strain on Your Spine

We’re all too familiar with back pain, and one of its primary causes: spine strain. A strain happens whenever a tendon or muscle is injured, often due to excessive pressure, abnormal movements, or dehydration. Eventually, when a ligament or a muscle becomes torn, frayed, strained, or otherwise injured, we’re left with acute back pain that can sometimes be debilitating.

If you’ve been involved in an accident, submit an injury claim. After submitting a claim, there are many daily activities we do that increase our risks of straining our spine and surrounding tissue. Keep reading to learn some ways to prevent spine strain and back pain.

8 Ways to Prevent Back Pain and Protect Your Spine
Keep Moving

It may seem counterintuitive to suggest that exercise will help to prevent back pain, and of course, we don’t mean exercising while you are in pain. Once the severe discomfort subsides, daily gentle exercise like walking, swimming, and stretching will help to keep lower back pain in check. Strengthening your core should be at the top of your list to help alleviate the strain of the muscles of the lower back.

Consult with Keith Clinic about the best type of exercise for you and your particular symptoms. If the pain begins to move down into your leg, you may be dealing with sciatica, which is a problem related to the spine rather than the muscles around it. Definitely talk with your physician prior to beginning any exercise program to avoid aggravating your back pain.

Be Conscious of Lifting

It doesn’t even matter how heavy an object is, you should always be conscious of the right way to lift something. Lifting and twisting simultaneously can wreak havoc on your lower back, but sometimes a simple adjustment can significantly relieve lower back pain.

Always stand as close to the object as you can and lift with your legs and knees while keeping your back straight. Bending your knees is always a good practice, but a straight back is an essential key to a proper lifting technique.

Never lift anything that seems too heavy. When in doubt, play it safe by asking someone else for help.

Good Posture Is Important to Prevent Back Pain

You remember how mom always told you to stand up straight with your shoulders back? Little did she know how important that advice would become in the modern age of computer use. If you spend a lot of time working on a laptop or computer, it’s easy to slouch and not sit properly. Over time, this unfortunately puts pressure on your back, which may cause a degenerated disc to become more painful.

Find an ergonomic chair to keep your spine in the right position. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Take breaks at least once an hour and change position fairly often. Maybe convert to a stand up desk if that option becomes available. All these tips will help you refocus on your posture and better your back!

It is also possible to avoid neck issues by using a headset if you must speak on the phone for a lengthy period of time. Never cradle a phone or cell between your chin and shoulder.

Sleeping for Health

Sleeping is intrinsic to good health. It’s best to sleep on your side to relieve any pressure on your back, and this positioning also alleviates issues associated with sleep apnea. Avoid sleeping on your stomach as this causes too much pressure on your spine.

Search for a mattress and pillow that provide support for both your body and neck. Proper alignment of your neck as you sleep will prevent you from waking up with pain right at the start of your day.

Avoid the Bending and Twisting Motion

This is a tough one for active people to remember. We don’t realize we are doing it until it’s too late. Shoveling snow, gardening, and doing routine housework are all prime opportunities to twist our bodies as we bend down to do something. Instead, try turning your whole body instead of opting for the injury-prone twist.

Lose Some Weight to Prevent Back Pain

Yes, that again. Unless your BMI is perfect, losing a few pounds will help you prevent lower back pain. Carrying extra weight, especially around your midsection, is a prime risk factor for pain in the low back since it puts added stress on the muscles and ligaments in that area. In addition to regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet will also make it much easier for you drop those excess pounds and prevent chronic back pain.

Water, Water, Water

Most of us don’t realize how vitally important staying hydrated is for our general health. Our joints need hydration to stay flexible. In particular, our spinal discs become susceptible to dehydration and shrinkage when they lose height from lack of fluid. Consequently, discs become prone to slipping out of their proper place and leading to a painful herniated disc.

Don’t Ignore Pain

Pain tells us something is wrong and needs to be corrected. If you continually take OTC medications to relieve the same pains over and over again, you are not fixing the problem. You are also certainly not treating the underlying issue, which is likely to only become worse in the near future.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

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Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Chiropractic Care Connects You to Better Vision

If you are wondering how neck and back health can impact your vision, there is a surprisingly simple explanation. Chiropractic care operates with the knowledge that the body is all connected and that optimal health is maintained through whole body wellness. Misaligned vertebrae or impeded nerves can therefore contribute to vision problems, ranging from irregular fuzziness in your eyesight, to minor vision loss following a spinal injury.

The Spine Controls Your Nervous System

The spine plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your entire body. The upper back and neck, known as the cervical spine, is arguably the most important stretch of communication highway in the nervous system. When inflammation or blockage affects this area specifically, problems can occur throughout other parts of the body, such as your vision system.

This is because the optic nerve is directly connected to the central nervous system, so any disruption can affect the optic nerve, causing vision impairment. Additionally, our eyes rely on adequate blood flood to get the oxygen they need. When your arteries are restricted by blockage of this natural flow, blurry vision or other eyesight problems may be evident. Targeted cervical spinal adjustments can correct subluxation in the cervical spine, allowing healthy blood flow, along with nutrients and oxygen to the eyes in order to improve vision caused by these issues.

Vision Problems Improved By Chiropractic Care

If you already have to wear glasses to improve your vision, chiropractic care may not keep you from still seeing your optometrist. Even so, there are some issues in particular that can still be addressed, such as:

  • Vision issues that take place after a spinal/neck injury
  • Fuzziness or blurriness issues
  • Sensitive or watery eyes
  • Tunnel vision or double vision
  • Decreased eyesight due to glaucoma or diabetes

How Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Vision

There are ways regular chiropractic visits can help with vision problems. Chiropractic care can:

  • Regulate blood supply and improve blood flow: the optic nerve needs blood flow and oxygen to work properly. Restricted blood flow can cause depth perception, blurriness, and other vision issues. A chiropractic adjustment can correct any misalignments to make sure the blood and oxygen flow to the optic nerve.
  • Improve the communication in the central nervous system and restore nerve function. The communication between nerves can be disrupted by the smallest spine misalignment. This means that the optic nerve can be easily affected and cause vision issues.
  • Reduce eye pressure. People who suffer from diabetes or glaucoma have eye pressure and without treating it can lead to eye loss. Chiropractic care can reduce this pressure by regulating blood flow.

In conclusion, whole-body wellness is determined by your spinal health and maintaining it regularly. Because of the direct connection between the spine, the central nervous system, and vision health, chiropractic care can help fix these issues caused by obstructed nerves and restore your eyesight. The health benefits of chiropractic care are too good to be true!Chiropractic Spinal Alignments Near You!

If you have been struggling with vision issues because of spinal misalignment, we can help you out! 

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Kings Park NSW 2148

Blacktown NSW 2148

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Castle Hill NSW 2154

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Can wearing a backpack cause spine problems?

What is one common problem that children across the globe face from school? The answer is chronic back pain that comes from lugging a heavy backpack around all day long – aka backpack pain. Too many kids have multiple books, folders, binders, and importantly, a heavy computer, weighing them down as they walk from class to class or from home to school. It is unhealthy for anyone to have that much weight on their back, in fact, it is recommended to have a maximum of 5-10% of the student’s body weight in their backpack. This recommendation tends to be unrealistic when it comes to the demands of an average school day; especially, with children wearing their backpacks in unconventional ways (one strap on their shoulder etc.). So, what is the fix to prevent back pain from backpacks? Although people might not initially consider it for a child, chiropractic care can help with this issue.

A simple way to know if the backpack is too heavy is if your child is struggling to put the backpack on! Also, a sign that the bag is too heavy is if they are no longer walking upright, but instead lean their torso forward to attempt to counterbalance the load.  Remember to clean out the backpack often as clutter leads to unnecessary weight. Try to have them minimize what they are bringing to and from school.

What you could do as a parent to help?

As a parent you should ensure that the weight of your child’s backpack should not exceed 10-15% of his or her body weight. Apart from this you should provide your child with bags that have multiple components. You must also consider bags with tightened, padded straps worn on both shoulders. This will ensure better distribution of the overall weight. As a student your child may also have to be seated at the desk over prolonged periods. Thus you must encourage him or her to sit with the right posture. Otherwise in case if your child is prone to slouching, rounding the shoulders, or protruding the head forward may experience further pain as a result. 

Consulting an experienced chiropractor for lower back pain

While drugs/medication/opioids can help reduce the pain by turning off the pain receptors, it doesn’t actually solve the problem; it just masks it.

Your body is a great machine that can actually heal itself in a lot of cases given the opportunity.

Chiropractic Care is one of the ways you can increase your internal healing power by ensuring the brain/body connection is free and clear of obstructions.

If your spine is out of alignment and cannot clearly talk with your brain then your problems will continue.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kings Langley NSW 2147

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Castle Hill NSW 2154

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

chiropractic care of children

The chiropractic care of children with “growing pains”

An estimated 2 in 5 children will experience growing pains. They occur between the ages of 3 to 12. Parents often take their children to the doctor for growing pains.

The cause is unknown, but they are considered related to the normal process of growth and development.

Chiropractic care can help with these pains by realigning the spine and helping to improve blood flow and nerve function.

Here is what you need to know about how chiropractic care can help bring relief to your child that is suffering from growing pains.

What are growing pains?

Although there are no known medical causes, theories of cause range from muscle fatigue to juvenile arthritis. According to a 1984 study, limb pain was a presenting complaint in 7% of visits to the pediatrician. Furthermore, a South Australian study published in the August 2004 issue of the Journal of Pediatrics found that approximately 36.9% of children 4–6 years of age experienced growing pains, nearly one-third of the children in the population.

Leg pains are usually explained by medical doctors as a result of physical activity, and parents are given few to no options for treatment. They may suggest massaging the legs or the use of pain-relieving medication. They may explain that growing pains are normal during the growth process and it will pass. However, this does not offer comfort to parents who awaken to their children crying in pain every night.

Should we accept that there is no treatment for growing pains, which affect 25%–40% of children? The answer is “No!” Are there other options available to alleviate these leg pains? Try Chiropractic!

Getting to the Cause

So, what causes these “growing pains”? From a chiropractic standpoint, we must look at the biomechanical issues. We must first understand the growth process time line. The first five years of a child’s life is the time of greatest spinal growth. During the first year of life, the spine increases 12 cm in length and another 15 cm between 1 and 5 years of age. Between 5 and 10 years of age, the growth rate decreases to 10 cm. There is another increase at puberty between approximately 10 and 18 years of age with 20 cm of spinal grown in males and 15 cm in females. Logically, if something interferes with this growth process, there may be problems. What if a child was put into a baby walker before his/ her body was ready to walk? This premature walking assistance can alter biomechanics, leading to postural abnormalities, disruption of proper locomotion skills, and also injury to the child. Other interferences of the growth process may include birth trauma, a fall, sports injuries, and overly sedentary lifestyles.

chiropractic care of children

What causes growing pains?

There is no one cause of growing pains, but several factors may contribute to them. Some of these causes include:

  • Increased physical activity. Children may have more pain if they are very active, as their muscles and joints are constantly in use.

  • A lower pain threshold. Some children may be more sensitive to pain than others, leading to growing pains. Headaches and stomach pain usually accompany these pains.

  • Hypermobility, or moving joints beyond their typical range of motion, can also contribute to growing pains. The reason is that hypermobile children may put more stress on their muscles and joints, leading to pain.

  • Low vitamin D levels can also contribute to growing pains.

How can chiropractic care help?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to managing growing pains, but chiropractic care may be a safe, non-invasive, and non-addictive alternative that can help. Chiropractors can realign the spine and joints, which may help ease swelling and pain.

Additionally, chiropractic care can help improve overall health and well-being, which may also help relieve symptoms of growing pains. Although chiropractic care is often considered an alternative treatment option, it is an effective and safe way to manage pain in children.

In fact, chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive alternative to over-the-counter (OTC) medications.

Another important point is that many of these children also have complaints of spinal pain in addition to the leg pain. There is little medical research, but, much of what there is focuses only on growing in the legs. Chiropractors look at the body as a whole and not as separate parts. Chiropractors recognize that, if there is stress in one area of the body, the rest of the body will somehow compensate for this stress.

Don’t let your child’s growing pains and leg cramps ruin a good night’s sleep for you or your child. Remember, a chiropractor does not just treat one problem, but instead aims to promote overall health in your child. This is why it is important to make the chiropractor an important factor in your child’s health routine.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Kings Park NSW 2148

Blacktown NSW 2148

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Castle Hill NSW 2154

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Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769