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How to prevention workout injuries

How to prevention workout injuries?

While running injuries usually affect the lower section of the body – mostly the legs-workout injuries can affect an individual anywhere in the body-most notoriously at the joints in the arms and legs. Repetitive movements of the joints can make you even more prone to injury.
While you may hear the commonly recited phrase, “no pain, no gain” from athletic individuals, this isn’t necessarily true. While repetitive and strenuous activities may put you at risk of injury, the setbacks to your fitness, discomfort and pain associated with workout-related injuries are entirely avoidable. Here, our Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me physiotherapists explain some of the ways you can avoid injury in your workouts as well as how they can help if your do suffer one.

Why am i always so cold?

Why am i always so cold?

Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues. Having anemia, also referred to as low hemoglobin, can make you feel tired and weak.
There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term and can range from mild to severe. In most cases, anemia has more than one cause. See your doctor if you suspect that you have anemia. It can be a warning sign of serious illness.

5 Conditions You Didn’t Know Dry Needling Can Help

5 Conditions You Didn’t Know Dry Needling Can Help

Dry needling has become a sought-after and trusted way to help release some types of pain to augment other physical therapy modalities and exercises. During a dry needling session, a trained therapist uses the same type of very small needle used by acupuncture technologists. The therapist identifies an area where pain is originating, known as a trigger point and often referred to by patients as a knot. When the needle is gently inserted in this area, the stimulation helps the muscle regain its original length and elasticity and releases the associated pain. Dry needling can help with several different types, including these five pain disorders you may be suffering.

1. Headaches

There are many muscles around neck and shoulders that have referral patterns to the head and face. These referral patterns may mimic tension headaches that seem to begin at the base of the skull and move upward. There are also muscles that may recreate headaches along the forehead or at the temples.

Sinus pressure or sinus headaches may be coming from the sternocleidomastoid muscle along the front of your neck. This muscle can be responsible for sinus pressure or headaches that seem to arch around your eye socket.

If trigger points are the source of referred pain causing headaches, dry needling can be an efficient way of relieving pain. With decreased muscle tension along with exercises and manual techniques to improve cervical spine mobility, the effects of dry needling may be sustained.

2. Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve that runs from your back through your legs is impacted. Several conditions may result in sciatica, including the narrowing of the spine caused by lumbar stenosis and the tightened muscles caused by piriformis syndrome. A therapist can use dry needling to identify the impacted point and insert needles around the areas of narrowing or trigger points. The muscles causing the narrowed spacing or tightened muscles can be released with the air of these dry needles, greatly reducing the resulting pain.

3. Neck Pain

When a patient feels stress, they often hold their head and neck rigidly, which can result in the formation of muscle knots or highly sensitive trigger points. Neck pain can radiate into the head, down the back, and throughout upper extremities. In many cases, these knots can be seen and palpated easily. Using one or several needles, a therapist can target the area where the patient has carried their stress and neck pain has resulted. After dry needling, the trigger points are released or relaxed and the resulting pain will fade away.

4. Shoulder Pain

When a patient seeks physical therapy outside of an acute injury or scheduled surgery, one area often highlighted as a concern is the region at the top of the shoulders. This area is prone to pain because of how patients wear backpacks and purses, react to stressful situations, carry children and arrange their posture. Pain from this region often travels elsewhere in the body by radiating through nerves. Dry needling can help release this pain.

5. Joint Pain

Joints can become inflamed through many repetitive motion activities as well as acute injuries. A patient may experience painful zones in any joint, especially shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. Dry needling in the regions surrounding those joints can help the muscles relax after overuse or injury and regain their normal size and elasticity. This leads to the release of pain and resumption of normal activities.

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Dry Needling For Tendonitis Pain Relief – Does It Work?

Dry Needling For Tendonitis Pain Relief – Does It Work?

What Happens When A Tendon Is Damaged?

A tendon is a tough, fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone. When a tendon is injured, the body starts a healing response. The surrounding tissue shifts and thickens, forming a scab over the injury.

The healing process is gradual, and the tendon will continue to be weak and vulnerable to re-injury during this time, therefore it is best to avoid strenuous activity. When this tendon is not allowed to heal properly and continues to be irritated the quality of the tendon continues to worsen, new blood vessels penetrate the tissue to try and heal it and it becomes increasingly less elastic, fragile and sensitive.

Dry Needling and Physical Therapy for Treating Tendonitis

Combining physical therapy with dry needling is the best way to treat tendonitis, reduce and relieve pain, and recover from a tendon injury. First, physical therapy aims to improve the strength of the muscles affected by the related tendonitis. That is followed by the restoration of the primary function in the joint. Pain reduction will follow after a couple of dry needling sessions and physical therapy.

Muscles contract and relax when a practitioner targets trigger points. Inserting and removing the needle produces a stimulative effect inside the muscle. In addition, the result is immediate muscle relief of tightness and pressure. Lastly, pain and inflammation are either eliminated or greatly reduced.

How Long Do The Effects Of Dry Needling Last?

It’s typical to feel a little pain after dry needling, often in the first 24-48 hours. This should be interpreted as a good thing as it often reflects the fresh inflammatory process that we have purposely initiated. From this point onwards the pain will settle as your body moves towards the next stage of healing. The duration of the benefits will last differently depending on the person and depends on the technique used (ie. trigger point needling vs direct needling of the tendon). The first few treatments usually provide a short period of relief that lasts a few days, but then it should improve with each session. In the experience of our clinicians dry needling to the tendon even once or twice has had dramatic and long lasting effects.

Remember though dry needling and “modalities” such as these are akin to jump starting a car. It’s a great addition to a treatment programme but should always be performed within the context of a tailored rehabilitation programme that includes correcting biomechanics or training errors, altering loading volumes, and progressive strengthening where appropriate.

It has been proven that combining dry needling treatment with physical therapy is the best way to treat chronic tendinosis and relieve pain. Strengthening the muscles will increase the chance of faster healing and fully restoring the joint’s primary function. Combining these two treatments will reduce the pain and inflammation after only a couple of sessions.

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Why Cupping is Good for Weight Loss

Why Cupping is Good for Weight Loss

If you’ve tried faddy diets, you’ve gone on relentless exercise regimes or you genuinely do eat healthily but nothing shifts those extra pounds, then you need to re-think! It’s widely documented that certain alternative therapy treatments can actually help you reach your weight loss goals.

One of the most talked about (and the most successful) is cupping for weight loss. You possibly wonder why all the conventional weight loss methods stop working after a while. Well, one of the main reasons is that after the age of 25, your metabolism starts to slow down. Before you embark on cupping for weight loss, here’s some more information.

How can cupping help?

Cupping massage, along with diet and exercise, is one of the most effective ways to help break up cellulite. As we’ve mentioned, a combination of factors lead to the appearance of cellulite, and cupping is a great option for targeting each of those specific issue. The suction created by the cups helps to ‘unclog’ the lymphatic system, reducing fluid retention and helping to boost healthy circulation. Without good blood flow and proper drainage, fluid can get trapped under the skin, leading to issues in feel and appearance.

Cupping also has a major effect on the fascia. When fat cells get trapped under the skin, they can get ‘welded’ to the fascia, which is the network of tissue that lies beneath the skin to help our muscular system move smoothly and freely. Cupping helps provide deep but gentle penetration of the skin to the fascia, separate the stuck layers, and free those fat cells.

And the best part? Body cupping feels amazing! Not only will it get your skin into shape and help with your weight loss journey, it can also help ease the sore muscles that arrive after a great workout. Cupping is easy to incorporate into your day, whether you do it in the shower or for end-of-the-day relaxation. You’ll not only see a rapid improvement in the look and feel of your skin, you’ll also experience less inflammation and quicker recovery time from muscle pain.

When to avoid cupping

TCM slimming treatments are holistic methods for weight loss. However, just like with drastic exercise and diet changes, one should exercise caution with cupping. Cupping is not advised for patients with or prone to skin ulcers or edema. It is not suitable for pregnant women and patients with fever. Mild discomfort after cupping, or burns and bruises for a short period of time are common.

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Which Exercises To Avoid If You Have Spine Pain

Which Exercises To Avoid If You Have Spine Pain

Physical activity is a great way to prevent and treat back pain and Spine Pain – but did you know that some exercises can do more harm than good?

To avoid putting too much strain on the joints, ligaments, and muscles in your back, here is a list of exercises to avoid, as well as some alternatives. Talk to your chiropractor to determine which exercises are right for you.

  1. Sit Ups/Crunches – You may have heard that a strong core is important for your spine, but don’t do a bunch of sit ups in order to strengthen your core, because this action can be really hard on your spine. This motion tends to put excessive strain on your spinal discs, and if they are the source of your back discomfort, sit ups will only make your symptoms worse. Instead of sit ups or crunches, consider doing some planks.
  2. Running

     – Running is a very popular form of exercise, but it is also classified as a high-impact activity because of the shock your body absorbs with every step you take. You can try to land lightly on your feet and take some of this shock off of your spine, but oftentimes it’s best to just choose a different form of exercise. Swimming laps at the pool will help your spine avoid the high impact stress that it endures when you’re running.

  3. Biking

     – When done correctly, biking isn’t all that hard on your spine. However, if you don’t have the seat positioned correctly for your size, you have poor form or you like to bike off-road on some bumpier terrain, biking can take a significant toll on your spine. Talk to your doctor to see if biking is something you can safely pursue in spite of your spinal discomfort. If you’re set on biking but the position is hard on your back, consider a recumbent bicycle.

  4. Free Weights

     – You may think that the best way to strengthen your spine and overcome your back pain is to lift weights, but those heavy weights can overload an area that is already injured or weakened. Instead of lifting heavy weights, oftentimes it’s best to either lift lighter weights for more repetitions, or transition to other types of exercise, like resistance training. Trying to hit a new personal maximum while nursing a lingering back issue is a recipe for disaster.

If you can swap in some different exercises in lieu of these activities that can be a little harder on your back, you’ll be putting your spine in a better position to make a full recovery.

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Sciatica: How to treatment ?

Understanding the Different Types of Adult Spine Deformities

When you think of spinal deformities, you may think of scoliosis — most commonly, scoliosis that occurs in kids and teens whose backs develop a curve as they grow. 

But spinal deformities can affect adults, too, causing pain and other symptoms that can have a marked impact on your mobility, activity, and quality of life.


Kyphosis is seen when a person’s spinal balance has moved too far forward to allow the spine to effectively carry the body weight without progressive deformity, pain or neurologic loss of function. Patients typically walk in a forward flexed posture being unable to stand up straight. This condition can also occur along with scoliosis causing Kyphoscoliosis.


Lordosis is a spine deformity that causes an inward curve in your lower back (the lumbar spine). You may have heard lordosis called by its (rather unflattering) nickname, “swayback.”

Like many adult spine deformities, lordosis can be associated with age-related changes like arthritis or osteoporosis, with other spine conditions, or even with obesity. 

Lordosis can cause pain when lifting or bending, and it may also cause pain in other weight-bearing joints, like your knees.


Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that can occur in any age group. Scoliosis is a coronal plane (i.e. side to side) deformity occurring in children, adolescents, and adults. Symptoms vary with age of onset and severity of the curvature; cosmetic problems including sitting imbalance, breathing difficulty or delayed development is common findings in infants and young children. A rib hump, pelvic or shoulder height imbalance tend to common in the adolescent group. Intractable back pain, sciatica, leg weakness or numbness and gait difficulty are common reasons for surgical correction in adults.

Treating spine deformities

Spine deformities can cause painful symptoms, but fortunately, we can treat many of these problems conservatively with nonsurgical options. 

Depending on the results of your evaluation, your treatment plan could include:

  • Medication to relieve pain or inflammation

  • Physical therapy to improve spine mobility and flexibility

  • Posture exercises

  • Lifestyle changes to avoid back strain

  • Bracing to aid in alignment and support

Most people benefit from a combination of therapies, with adjustments made as your symptoms evolve or improve. For more severe issues or if these options don’t help relieve your pain,  May recommend surgery to address problems with your discs, spinal nerves, or vertebrae (your spine bones). 

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Can Crossing Your Legs Lead to Back Pain?

Can Crossing Your Legs Lead to Back Pain?

Crossing your legs seems like a perfectly harmless act. Everyone does it (usually on a daily basis), and most people don’t even think twice about it. Although there are no immediately recognizable negative effects of crossing your legs, other than a brief tingling sensation in your foot, it can lead to some unseen consequences when it comes to your back and spine. Read on to learn more about how leg crossing can impact your back.

The Effects of Leg Crossing

The main issue is that crossing your legs makes it almost impossible to sit perfectly straight. In turn your body will become used to this lopsided position, and your pelvis may slowly rotate over time and become tilted.

In the long-term, a tilted pelvis caused by leg-crossing can result in extreme lower back pain and discomfort, while continuing to sit in this way may result in more severe misalignment of the spine. Sufferers are often known to experience chronic pain particularly in the lumbar of the spine but this can move all the way up to your neck.

Improper posture can cause your muscles to work overtime to compensate for the posture changes, resulting in more pain and stiffness. This, combined with leaning to the side, can result in an extremely slouched posture and pain as your muscles become compressed within your shoulder blades. A slouched posture will usually result in rounded shoulders which then impacts your range of movement in the shoulder, leading to decreased movement which can impact everyday tasks.

So, Should I Stop Crossing my Legs Completely?

Crossing your legs can be incredibly comfortable – that’s why many people do it on a regular basis. So should you completely cut leg crossing out of your routine? Truth be told, crossing your legs once in a while or for short periods of time probably will not hurt your back that much. But keeping your legs crossed for lengthy periods of time, and simply sitting down for long periods of time, can lead to the development of lower back pain.

So cut out the sitting from your routine as much as possible. Get up from your desk and walk to the water cooler once every hour. Better yet, invest in a stand up desk if your office allows it. Whatever you can do to keep your body active and avoid long periods of sitting (with or without crossed legs) will ultimately benefit your spine health and reduce back pain.

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9 Myths About Massage Therapy

9 Myths About Massage Therapy

Would you like to consider using massage therapy as a health or wellness treatment? You may be hesitant because you’ve heard some worrying things about it. If so, you’re not alone. Many people have heard a number of common concerns about this age-old but often misunderstood treatment option.

To help you make the best healthcare decisions for yourself, here are some of these myths about massage therapy and what you should know about them.

1  If it doesn’t hurt, it isn’t effective. The goal of massage is to relax the muscles to allow proper tissue release and effective healing. If you find yourself holding your breathe, or tightening the muscle being worked because it’s painful, the pressure is too deep and the massage is counter-productive to its purpose. Always talk to your therapist during the session if you’re uncomfortable. Good massage therapists cause results, not pain.

2  Massage is only for women. 35% of women and 24% of men have received a massage in past 12 months. The number of professional athletes receiving therapeutic massage has doubled in the last 2 years.

3  If you’re pregnant, don’t get a message! Not at all true. Touch can convey comfort, awareness and induce relaxation. It can also help alleviate aches and pains. Prenatal massage is different from a regular massage–both in technique and intent. Ask if your therapist has had specific training in pre-natal massage and run away from any practitioner who doesn’t ask questions of collect additional information about the stage and condition of your pregnancy. Massage can be incredibly effective for mothers-to-be.

4 Massage is expensive. If you’re on a budget, is massage therapy out of reach financially? Not necessarily. As it has grown in practical usage and more providers are available, the cost of massage therapy has come down. You can often bundle multiple sessions as well as things like chiropractic care for a lower package price. And be sure to ask your insurance provider about coverage for massage therapy if you’ve had an accident.

How much massage therapy you get is up to you. Your therapist is there to help you find a path to wellness, so they will work with what you can afford. Be honest with them and let them assist you in crafting an affordable plan that keeps you on the road to health.

5  What your massage therapist doesn’t know about your health won’t hurt you (or them). The more you tell your therapist about your current state of wellness, the better the result of the massage. There are some cases when massage is not advised–for the client or for the protection of the therapist.

6  Massage is only for relaxation. Virtually every pro and amateur sports team regularly encourages massage for reducing muscle soreness, and helping with quick recovery. Massage can be for pain relief, injury recovery, to increase focus and clarity, or to calm nerves.

7 Massage therapists and doctors think each other are crazy. About 70% of massage therapists get regular referrals from doctors and other healthcare professionals.

8  Massage will make you feel awkward or self-conscious. We make every effort to ensure your experience is effective and delightful. Comfortable, private rooms and a very skilled therapist ensure you have no worries. Your modesty and comfort are of the utmost importance. You can rest assured nothing but pure massage therapy will happen during your session.

9  You won’t like it. Almost 90% of our customers return after their first visit. There’s something good happening here and you should see what the buzz is about.

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