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Could Chiropractic Care Treat Flat Foot?

Prevalence Of Flat Foot

Flat foot (also known as pes planus or fallen arch) are the condition that the arch of the foot is lower than normal or absent. The prevalence of fallen arch is inconclusive among different researchers, but it has the similar trend.

The younger children (two to six years old) have the higher prevalence (21 to 57%) and the prevalence (13.4 to 27.6%) declines significantly in primary pupils. The prevalence rate (5 to 14%) in adults drops almost 50%. Infants and children with flat feet are normal due to the foot arches have not developed.

Types Of Flat Foot

Flexible and rigid flat foot are the two general types. Flexible flat foot has a normal arch in non-weight bearing, but it absents when standing or walking. In contrast, rigid flat foot, which is a “true” flat foot has non existed arch no matter in weight bearing or at rest. Commonly, both sides of feet are affected and flat, but single pes planus is acquired and caused by various conditions such as injuries and obesity.

Risk Factors And Causes Of Flat Foot

  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Ankle and knee injuries
  • Obesity or diabetes
  • Aging
  • Arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Posterior tibial tendon injury or dysfunction
  • Neurological or muscular diseases

Fallen arch is a hereditary condition or acquired overtime. People with obesity or diabetes are more prone to have flat feet. During pregnancy, flat foot is also common due to the significant body weight increase.

Aging that weaken posterior tibial tendon also contributes to flat foot. Sports injuries lead to flat foot as a consequence of damaging posterior tibial tendon which is a vital structure to support the foot arch.


Long term pain that occurs in the heel and medial arch is the most common symptoms. As a result of collapsed medial longitudinal arch, flat foot always associates with hyperpronation and internal rotation of the leg which put abnormal stress to different parts of the body. Hyperpronation lead to shin splints as a result of flat feet repetitively rolling inwards.

Flat foot is one of the risk factors that may develop plantar fasciitis. On a daily basis, abnormal foot mechanics including flat foot can cause repetitive tearing and stretching on plantar fascia that connect the heel and toes.

Chiropractic Treatment – Chiropractor Near Me

Pathological flat feet are not common, which only accounts for less than 1%. Asymptomatic pes planus does not require any medical interventions. However, if the symptoms such as foot pain especially at the heel present, treatment is necessary.

Orthotic Devices – Chiropractor Near Me

The chiropractor can prescribe orthotic devices to provide proper arch support for those who have flat feet. There are two types of orthotic devices – custom orthotics and heat moulding orthotics.According to the patient’s age, body weight, leg length, foot shape, usage of orthotics and associated complications, different density of orthotics and accessories including the heel lift and dome may be used. Supportive orthotics can reduce the long term stretching and tearing of plantar fascia that lower the chance of heel pain, but they do not fix fallen arches.

Shockwave Therapy – Chiropractor Near Me

Shockwave therapy is a non invasive and completely safe treatment option for chronic plantar fasciitis patients. Shockwave therapy promotes tissue regeneration and reparation and reduce pain. New blood vessel formation and collagen synthesis help to repair damage tissues such as tendons, ligaments and inflamed plantar fascia.

Chiropractic Adjustment – Chiropractor Near Me

Flat feet cause biomechanical changes of the body which contribute ankle, knee, hip and lower back pain. Chiropractic adjustment can effectively reduce joint restriction and joint pain. However, orthotic devices are needed to provide a sturdy arch support for long term pain relief and prevention of health issues including plantar fasciitis.

Chiropractic Service Suburbs  

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Is Chiro Waste Of Money?


Have you ever tried chiro treatment for overuse, muscle injuries, and sports injuries? Musculoskeletal pain, such as neck pain, lower back pain, and shoulder pain, as well as nerve impingement caused by disc herniation, are common reasons people seek chiropractic care.

Understanding Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative medicine that utilizes manual therapies to treat mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. While medical doctors prescribe medicine for treatment, chiropractors manipulate the spine to correct misalignment.

Different Needs: Chronic vs. Acute Pain

Patients with chronic pain may require regular chiropractic treatment to maintain joint motion and control pain levels. On the other hand, individuals with acute pain need more intensive and frequent chiropractic care initially for pain relief.

The Misconception: Chiropractic as a One-Time Solution

Once acute pain is alleviated, some patients may consider further chiropractic care unnecessary and a waste of money. However, recurring pain often occurs when they return to their previous working routines or postures, and their bodies cannot compensate anymore. Patients with acute pain may need frequent visits to allied health practitioners for pain management. This creates a vicious cycle, where patients not only suffer from pain again but also spend more money than they would on regular chiropractic maintenance. There are numerous benefits to having regular chiropractic care, even if you don’t currently experience any pain. What could happen if poor posture and subluxation are not addressed for an extended period?

Long-Term Musculoskeletal Conditions – Chiro Near Me

Postural Imbalances and Their Impact – Chiropractor Near Me

Resting muscle tone refers to the tension that muscles maintain against gravity at rest to allow for a normal posture. For stationary postures, such as sitting and standing, specific muscle groups coordinate to sustain a posture against gravity.

The posture of head shifting forward, rounded shoulders, and a hunched back shortens suboccipital muscles, upper trapezius, pectoralis major and minor, and weakens deep neck flexors, middle, and lower trapezius. This postural error, called upper cross syndrome, contributes to headaches and neck pain. Anterior pelvic tilt is due to weak gluteus maximus and abdominals, which fail to hold the pelvis in the proper position. Tight hip flexors and low back extensor musculature are responsible for anterior pelvic tilt. This combination creates lower cross syndrome, characterized by muscle imbalance of these four muscles.

The Relationship Between Subluxation And Degeneration – Chiro Near Me

Understanding Vertebral Subluxation

Vertebral subluxations are commonly caused by injuries, bad posture, prolonged sitting, emotional stress, and repetitive movements. Initially, vertebral subluxations may not cause any pain, but patients may feel stiffness and discomfort where the subluxation is.

The Consequences of Untreated Subluxation

If vertebral subluxations are not corrected for a while, stiff joints and reduced range of motion may occur, leading to pain. Over time, normal spinal curvature may be lost. The loss of cervical (neck) lordosis can cause weight distribution changes on the cervical discs, potentially leading to disc herniation at different levels in the cervical region. Nerve impingement due to disc bulging compression can result in pins and needles and burning pain in corresponding nerve innervated areas. Similarly, poor posture may trigger disc bulging in the lumbar region and cause sciatica, which radiates from the lower back to the glutes, back thighs, legs, or heels.

Whether experiencing acute or chronic pain, patients often tend to see chiropractors only when they can no longer tolerate the pain. Chiropractic manipulation is a fast and effective treatment for alleviating musculoskeletal pain and removing vertebral subluxations.

However, not every issue is reversible. When musculoskeletal problems persist, such as chronic subluxations causing joint stiffness, the affected joint may begin the process of early degeneration. Early spinal degeneration is characterized by a loss of disc height and the formation of osteophytes. These changes lead to chronic joint pain and significantly reduced range of motion. Due to joint stiffness, muscles that attach to the joint work harder to generate movement, leading to tightness and tension.

Even though degeneration may happen with aging, chronic pain generated from arthritis and reduced joint motion significantly affects the quality of life.

The process of degeneration is irreversible. While spinal manipulation can improve joint motion and pain intensity, degenerated joints will not change structurally. Low-grade inflammation is associated with arthritis, leading to frequent joint pain relapses.

The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care – Chiro Near Me

Maintaining Postural Correction and Spinal Health

Undergoing regular chiropractic maintenance can maintain spinal alignment and muscle relaxation, potentially preventing early joint degeneration and pain flares. Waiting for pain to become more serious before seeking chiropractic treatment and maintenance is unnecessary.

During maintenance sessions, your chiropractor will use static and motion palpation to identify spine misalignments. Static palpation involves the patient staying still while the chiropractor palpates the spine and soft tissues to find subluxations, pain, and problematic soft tissues (inflammation). In motion palpation, the patient is mobilized in different directions to locate the affected joint and identify the direction of joint restriction.

During maintenance sessions, your chiropractor will adjust the spine to restore joint motion when misalignment is found through palpation. Vertebral subluxations may not present any pain or symptoms at all. Performing monthly chiropractic adjustments can keep you pain-free and prevent early degeneration. Additionally, better posture can be achieved as there are no restrictions preventing you from sitting or standing straighter.

Frequency of Chiropractic Maintenance

The frequency of chiro maintenance depends on the patient’s health conditions, occupation, posture, pain intensity, and more. Generally, once a month for maintenance is enough to maintain spinal health. If the patient has physical work, poor posture, and high pain intensity, more frequent treatments may be required. Maintenance visits can also be scheduled once every six weeks for patients with good posture and an active lifestyle.


Don’t wait for pain to become severe before seeking chiropractic treatment. Regular chiropractic care can prevent joint degeneration, improve spinal health, and lead to a better quality of life.

Kings Park Chiropractic – Chiro Near Me

Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic provides evidence-based healthcare for patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain, including headaches, migraines, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and sciatica. Book now. Phone: (02) 9837 5161

Service Areas of Evidence-Based Practice

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156

How Remedial Massage Relieves Tight Muscles

The force of movements are generated by skeletal muscles. In the daily of life, muscles are not only recruited to create movements but also to maintain the body posture. Musculoskeletal pain occurs due to the hypertonic muscles and muscle injuries. Massage therapies such as Remedial massage and Swedish are popular to use for pain relief and muscle relaxation among injured people.

Athletes more frequently use sports massage and deep tissue massage to reduce fatigue after sports events and intensive training and increase sports performance.

Why Are Some Muscles Always Tight?

Bad Posture

In order to maintain the body postures such as sitting, lying and standing, our muscles have to work together. This muscle tension at rest is called muscle tone to resist gravity when you are at certain position. People with the poor posture always result in particular muscle fatigue.

For example, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to hypertonic nuscles such as upper trapezius, levator scapula, pectoralis major, hip flexors and lower back muscles. There are some muscles that tend to be weak and loose. The deep neck flexor and abdominal muscles are the typical examples. Non specific neck pain and lower back pain are contributed mainly by the muscles mentioned above.


Overstretching or tearing of a skeletal muscle or tendon is called strain while an injury that tears or overstretches a Ligament is called sprain. Injuries like muscle, tendon strain and ligament sprain are very common.

When the muscle or ligament injury happens, the range of movement of the adjacent joint will be decreased. The surrounded muscles are guarding to limit any necessary movements to protect the injured site . The sensation of pain or swelling will further restrict the joint mobility that worsens muscle stiffness.

An overuse injury is due to the repetitive movement that causes micro trauma to the tissues such as tendon and bursa. The typical examples are stress fracture, tendinitis and bursitis. The overuse injury can happen in any parts of the body depending on the type of sports and occupations. Pain, swelling, inflammation, the limited range of motion and/or muscle guard can occur in the involved soft tissue with the overuse injury.

Why Do Tight Muscles Cause Pain?

A skeletal muscle is composed of a number of muscle fibres that are covered by connective tissues known as fasciae. Chronic stress, muscle injuries and overuse, especially sustained repetitive activities are the commonest causes of forming myofascial trigger points. Myofascial trigger points are hypersensitive muscle knots in the taut band of muscles, which muscle fibres form nodules.

There are two types of myofascial trigger points (active trigger point and latent trigger point) and both are palpable nodules. An active trigger point results in localised pain and referred pain spontaneously.

The active trigger point can radiate pain to surrounded tissues and/or distant regions depending on which muscle. Referred pain patterns of some neck muscles such as trapezius, splenius cervicis, sternocleidomastoid and suboccipital muscle group can mimic headaches. Trigger point forming in a different part of the same muscle can distantly refer to completely different locations.

In contract, a latent trigger point is a hyperirritable spot that leads to pain or discomfort with compression. The latent trigger point can become active when muscle trauma or psychological stress occurs. Otherwise, it can keep latent for years.

Muscle weakness, dysfunction and the reduced range of motion are commonly seen in both active and latent trigger points.

Remedial Massage Near Me

Remedial massage is one of the therapies that uses to release pain form tight muscles. A Remedial massage therapist palpates tense muscles and find palpable nodules. The light pressure of palpating an active trigger point can probably elicit “jump sign”, which is an involuntary muscle movement or a local twitch response. This is due to the irritation of myofascial trigger point that may cause local tenderness and/or referred pain.

Benefit of Massage

The remedial massage therapist will use varied massage techniques especially rubbing and pressing on found trigger points. Trigger points being pressed for around 30 seconds, “jump sign” or the local twitch response can occur before deactivating these hypersensitive spots. The deactivation of trigger points can reduce pain, muscle weakness and improve the range of motion.

Massaging the hypertonic muscles can also promote blood flow and lymphatic drainaget o the pain site to reduce muscle waste and supply nutrients and oxygen. Also, relieving muscle after massage is not fatigue easily.

Dry needling is another very effective method to release myofascial trigger points. If you would like to know more about the difference between dry needling and acupuncture, please read the related article on the chiropractor blog.

Service Areas Of Massage Services:

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156