What are the after workout benefits of sports massage? Massage Near Me

After workout, the unbearable pain we can feel in our muscles makes us think about whether taking exercises and getting fit are worthwhile. However, you do not need to worry about this too much because sports massage can solve the problem. By getting a sports massage, pain that caused by delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can be relieved.

What will happen to you after workout? Massage Near Me

It is obvious that keeping fit and staying energetic are important for physical and mental health.

Therefore, gaining a comprehensive understanding of what will happen to your body after workout is vital.

When you finish exercising, your body starts to change a lot. How your body will recover depends on your level of fitness.

After workout, your body begins to recover as quickly as possible.

In fact, your body goes into shock after workout because your muscles create tiny tears.

However, the more you work to broaden your fitness limits, the more your body will adapt to it and will handle these changes in a better way.

Therefore, in order to recover quickly, many people choose a sports massage after workout.

What is sports massage? Massage Near Me

Sports massage, as its name suggests, is a kind of physical therapy targeted to offer support to athletes before, during and after training. It is a form of massage that is especially helpful for people who want to improve athletic performance, increase range of motion, prevent injury and make muscle recovery.

Sports massage is specially aimed at various kinds of sports and sports injuries. Unlike Swedish massage and a massage that target at trigger points, it is not a type of relaxing massage therapy and can usually be very strenuous. It works by a massage therapist who helps stimulate inactive muscles, stretch tight ones and improve the condition of deep tissue and soft tissues. 

What does sports massage involve?

Before starting a sports massage, your massage therapist will ask you some questions about your lifestyle and your health condition. He or she will lie you down on a massage table and then give you a towel to keep you warm. Creams or oils will be used to make your skin smooth.

Unlike other regular massages or deep tissue massages, there is no specific technique for sports massage. This type of massage simply depends on the kind of training that a person is doing and the type of injury. It draws lessons from techniques that are widely applied in other disciplines, such as soft tissue release and positional release.

What are the after workout benefits of sports massage?

1. Accelerate the recovery of muscle

Whether you are an athlete or a person who goes to the gym on a regular basis, you may have gotten injured before.

Although a massage gun or a foam roller is useful for your recovery, a sports massage can be a better tool for you.

Therefore, it is suggested that you should have an after workout massage-a sports massage. This is because sports massage reduces muscle injury, helps cut down the level of lactic acid and improve your mobility.

For cells to rebuild, your muscles need a good circulation. So increasing blood circulation allows more blood to flow to your muscles.

Basically, what a sports massage is doing is getting new blood to the muscles, which in turn accelerate the recovery of the muscles.

2. Reduce inflammation caused by after workout

Inflammation after workout is actually a natural immune reply of your body, which is useful for self-healing after high-intensity physical activities. The aim of inflammation is to initiate the healing process and then fix the damaged tissue cells from physical stress.

So inflammation is good to some extent. Without inflammation, your body cannot complete the process of self-healing. However, if inflammation persists for a long period of time, then it indicates that your body may be overused. In this case, inflammation can sometimes cause swelling. And it prevents blood flow, which helps your muscles recover.

By having a sports massage after workout, the blood flow increases and then inflammation decreases.

3. Reduce anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress are very common in our daily life. We may sometimes feel stressful and anxious. Affected by these daily stresses and anxiety, we may neglect the health condition of our bodies.

By having a sports massage, your muscle tissues are in a completely relaxed state, which is helpful for reducing anxiety and stress. Also, this can help improve performance of your activities.

4.Promote blood circulation

Sports massage can not only provide you with relief and relaxation from your stressful daily life, but also promote the blood circulation in your body.

This kind of massage increase healthy blood flow by assisting blood and lymph flow across your limbs, just like walking and exercise.

The increased circulation of blood is the key to stay in a healthy condition and keep energetic.

5.Relieve pain quickly

After exercise, your muscles may be in tense, which can cause pain.

Sometimes, pain acts as an alert, telling us that we should pay attention to our health condition. However, for many athletic enthusiasts, pain after workout may last for several weeks or even several months. This can leave you feeling sore for a long time and affect your life quality.

If your soreness lasts for too long, then you need to find some effective ways such as sports massage to solve this problem.

This kind of massage can help distract you from soreness and also relieve pain by releasing tension in muscles. After just a few minutes, the effect of a sport massage will be very obvious.

Massage Services – Massage Near Me

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Acacia Gardens NSW 2763

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Chiropractic Treatment: A Good Solution To Anxiety And Depression – Chiropractor Near Me

According to the data released by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (AADA), more than 40 million Americans are plagued by mental problems every year. However, chiropractic treatment can help solve mental health issues such as anxiety and depression by adjusting spinal misalignment.

What is chiropractic care? Chiropractor Near Me

Chiropractic is a term that refers to “doing things by hand”. Chiropractors are the kind of people who use chiropractic most frequently. They are good at treating the spine by hands to evaluate and improve people’s overall health conditions that have connections with muscles, joints and bones.

Apart from treating health conditions that are closely connected to muscles, joints and bones, they also offer advice related to lifestyle, nutrition and diet.

Chiropractors command a large number of ways to diagnose problems related to muscles and skeletons. They adopt diagnostic imaging and practical clinical tests, including Magnetic Resonance Imaging and X-Ray. Such diagnostic methods are widely applied to decide the most appropriate time for chiropractic treatment.

If your case requires other allied health practitioners to comanage your health condition, then your chiropractor will refer you.

In most of cases, chiropractic care can be the main treatment of people. However, for some diseases that have severe symptoms, chiropractic care may just act as a complement to support other medical treatments to some extent.

Why is chiropractic care helpful for mental illnesses?

If you are suffering from anxiety and stress, then having chiropractic care is a good option for you. In general, chiropractic care includes a mind-body approach that tends to improve psychological conditions by adjusting physical symptoms. During the process of chiropractic treatment, a chiropractic practitioner manually treats your spine to ease your body tension. Since your body has a better condition after chiropractic treatment, your mental health is also improved.

In recent time, new research confirms the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in alleviating some mental health symptoms. For people who are struggling with anxiety or depression, chiropractic care is considered to be an effective way for improving physical and mental health conditions. So let’s look at how chiropractic has proven to be useful in details.

How does chiropractic care deal with anxiety and depression? Chiropractor Near Me

1. A goal for mind-body balance

Generally speaking, the goal of chiropractic treatment is to balance your body and your mind. Your chiropractor will help you achieve this goal by areas related to health, such as diet, life style and exercise. Even though there is a small change to your diet that is suggested by your chiropractor, the symptom of anxiety can be reduced.

2. Bring down your blood pressure

High blood pressure is an indicator of anxiety or stress. Some studies are in favor of the view that chiropractic treatment or massage therapy can lower blood pressure. The results revealed that blood pressure decreased after chiropractic treatment. One study illustrated that the outcome was obvious after only fifteen minutes of chiropractic care. In other words, This meant that chiropractic treatment was helpful for relieving the symptom of anxiety or stress.

3. Promote pure-natural way with no side effects

Many people who suffer from anxiety or depression usually make complaints about the side effects of medicine. However, one of the benefits of chiropractic treatment is that it is pure-natural, which means that there are no side effects such as weight gain and insomnia. Chiropractic treatment can relieve anxiety symptom. Therefore, if it is not necessary for you to take medicine, having chiropractic care instead is a better choice.

4. Make an adjustment to your spine and bring positive hormones

The health condition of your spine has an effect on almost every part of your body. Studies illustrated that after chiropractic treatment, there was a rise in hormones like cortisol in your body. Such kinds of hormones help relieve pain and have close connections with the nervous system. They are actively involved in the process of functioning, and they can bring positive impacts to your body.

5. Improve your sleep patterns

One of the symptoms of anxiety or stress is insomnia. Chiropractic treatment may help you fall into sleep easier. Research showed that spinal manipulation was helpful for improving people’s sleep patterns. Therefore, if you are suffering from insomnia, then chiropractic adjustment can help you get rid of this problem.

6. Reduce tension and symptoms of pain

People who are struggling with anxiety disorders or depression may suffer from physical tension in muscles. Chiropractic treatment can alleviate tension. Besides, it can assist in reducing musculoskeletal pain such as neck pain.

Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Could Chiropractic Care Treat Flat Foot?

Prevalence Of Flat Foot

Flat foot (also known as pes planus or fallen arch) are the condition that the arch of the foot is lower than normal or absent. The prevalence of fallen arch is inconclusive among different researchers, but it has the similar trend.

The younger children (two to six years old) have the higher prevalence (21 to 57%) and the prevalence (13.4 to 27.6%) declines significantly in primary pupils. The prevalence rate (5 to 14%) in adults drops almost 50%. Infants and children with flat feet are normal due to the foot arches have not developed.

Types Of Flat Foot

Flexible and rigid flat foot are the two general types. Flexible flat foot has a normal arch in non-weight bearing, but it absents when standing or walking. In contrast, rigid flat foot, which is a “true” flat foot has non existed arch no matter in weight bearing or at rest. Commonly, both sides of feet are affected and flat, but single pes planus is acquired and caused by various conditions such as injuries and obesity.

Risk Factors And Causes Of Flat Foot

  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Ankle and knee injuries
  • Obesity or diabetes
  • Aging
  • Arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Posterior tibial tendon injury or dysfunction
  • Neurological or muscular diseases

Fallen arch is a hereditary condition or acquired overtime. People with obesity or diabetes are more prone to have flat feet. During pregnancy, flat foot is also common due to the significant body weight increase.

Aging that weaken posterior tibial tendon also contributes to flat foot. Sports injuries lead to flat foot as a consequence of damaging posterior tibial tendon which is a vital structure to support the foot arch.


Long term pain that occurs in the heel and medial arch is the most common symptoms. As a result of collapsed medial longitudinal arch, flat foot always associates with hyperpronation and internal rotation of the leg which put abnormal stress to different parts of the body. Hyperpronation lead to shin splints as a result of flat feet repetitively rolling inwards.

Flat foot is one of the risk factors that may develop plantar fasciitis. On a daily basis, abnormal foot mechanics including flat foot can cause repetitive tearing and stretching on plantar fascia that connect the heel and toes.

Chiropractic Treatment – Chiropractor Near Me

Pathological flat feet are not common, which only accounts for less than 1%. Asymptomatic pes planus does not require any medical interventions. However, if the symptoms such as foot pain especially at the heel present, treatment is necessary.

Orthotic Devices – Chiropractor Near Me

The chiropractor can prescribe orthotic devices to provide proper arch support for those who have flat feet. There are two types of orthotic devices – custom orthotics and heat moulding orthotics.According to the patient’s age, body weight, leg length, foot shape, usage of orthotics and associated complications, different density of orthotics and accessories including the heel lift and dome may be used. Supportive orthotics can reduce the long term stretching and tearing of plantar fascia that lower the chance of heel pain, but they do not fix fallen arches.

Shockwave Therapy – Chiropractor Near Me

Shockwave therapy is a non invasive and completely safe treatment option for chronic plantar fasciitis patients. Shockwave therapy promotes tissue regeneration and reparation and reduce pain. New blood vessel formation and collagen synthesis help to repair damage tissues such as tendons, ligaments and inflamed plantar fascia.

Chiropractic Adjustment – Chiropractor Near Me

Flat feet cause biomechanical changes of the body which contribute ankle, knee, hip and lower back pain. Chiropractic adjustment can effectively reduce joint restriction and joint pain. However, orthotic devices are needed to provide a sturdy arch support for long term pain relief and prevention of health issues including plantar fasciitis.

Chiropractic Service Suburbs  

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Do Normal People Need Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is not a privilege of patients who are suffering from musculoskeletal pain. Even though chiropractic treatment is sought from numerous professional athletes, manual workers and sedentary workers for pain relief, ordinary people even without pain are beneficial from chiropractic care. In Australia, there are over 12 million chiropractic visits annually and paediatric visits account for approximately 8.6 percent. 

Our lifestyle has been change tremendously over the past few decades. The proliferation of using computers and smart phones increases the number of chronic back pain and neck pain patients. Slouched posture with rounded shoulders and constant head flexion results in neck pain and chronic headaches. Prolonged sitting and bad posture for smart devices and computers usage enormously put pressure to the lower back and cause lower back pain and even sciatica.

Prolonged screen tapping could overuse the thumb and lead to De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. Likewise, hand pain and numbness could be the result of excessive typing and mouse using. Technology brings convenience and efficiency to our lives but causes more people suffering from musculoskeletal pain. There are reasons why normal people visiting chiropractors regularly.

Benefits Of Chiropractic Treatment – Chiropractor Near Me

Chiropractic is a complementary medicine that uses manual therapies or physical therapies such as spinal manipulation for the effective treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions. Preventive care is a crucial idea for promote overall health and prevent illness and conditions.

Subluxation is a chiropractic term to describe a joint that dislocates partially.

In daily activities, repetitive movements, acute injuries and bad posture can cause vertebral subluxation. The symptoms of subluxation are reduced joint range of motion, pain and swelling. Temporary reduction or loss of sensation is also common.

Visiting your chiropractor regularly can prevent the formation of subluxation. The doctor of chiropractic uses static and motion palpation to locate vertebral fixation or subluxation. Chiropractic manipulation is used to realign where the bone out of the place (subluxation).

Chiropractic manipulation delivers the force to stimulate the afferent input of the spinal cord that alters the function of the central nervous system. The change of the pain perception may help people with chronic low back pain and other musculoskeletal pain. The correction of subluxation not only reduce pain and relax the surrounding soft tissues but also improve the joint range of motion.

The improvement of joint flexibility can enhance the posture. Good posture can put less strain on postural muscles which stabilise and mobilise the body. Also, less pressure on bones and joints can reduce the possibility of having joint pain and arthritis for long term.

Scoliosis is a very common reason for paediatric visits. Parents may report their children having uneven shoulder, hip and/or rib cage during chiropractic visits. Early detection and diagnosis of scoliosis can prevent from progression and reduce the chance of surgical correction by early intervention such as bracing.

Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic – Chiropractor Near Me

One of the frequently asked questions on the phone at Kings Park Chiropractic Clinic is whether they need a referral from the general practitioner (GP). It is unnecessary to get a GP referral to see the chiropractor. All private health insurances are accepted and health fund rebates are given through the HICAPS terminal. If you suffer from chronic musculoskeletal pain, your GP may recommend you to get allied health professional’s treatment and give you enhance primary care (EPC) plan.

If you would like to know more about EPC plan, please read “ Can chiropractors Do Bulk Billing?”.

According to your medical history, types of pain, condition, the chiropractor at Kings Park Chiropractic will give you an indivdualised treatment plan and treatment option.

You can book an appointment with a chiropractor via phone call (02) 9837 5161 or the online booking system.

Chiropractic Service Suburbs

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Blacktown NSW 2148

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kellyville NSW 2155

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Schofields NSW 2762

The Ponds NSW 2769

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Does Chiropractic Care correct Poor Posture?

Healthy posture is crucial for the body to work functionally. Healthy posture is literally equivalent to the healthy spine. The concern of causing health issues from poor posture has been raised for decades.

Long term poor posture resulting in a serial of musculoskeletal problems and other conditions has been proved. However, many people still do not recognise the how severe the problems can be caused by poor posture.

The Common Postural Problems     

People who have a long sedentary time normally have the common postural problems. Slouching and hunching postures are seen frequently. This posture leads to anterior head shifting, rounded shoulders and hunched back. Skeletal muscles that use for holding the posture will become tight and fatigue.

Muscles that are not frequently to be recruited will not be activated. This bad habit results in muscle imbalance that favors some muscle groups have to work hard while other muscle groups become weak and loose. Upper cross syndrome and lower cross syndrome are the result of muscle imbalance.

Office workers spends most of their time in front of the computers. Smart phone users that look down constantly are on their phones. Those who spend a long period of time on electronic devices are more prone to have upper cross syndrome or/and lower cross syndrome.

Upper Cross SyndromeLower Cross Syndrome
Tight musclesSub-occipital musclesRectus Femoris
Upper trapeziusThoraco-lumbar extensors
Levator scapula
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Weak musclesMiddle and Lower trapeziusAbdominals
Deep neck flexorsGluteus Min/Med/Max
Serratus anterior

Health Issues With Poor Posture

Myofascial trigger points occur in the tight muscles due to poor posture. Latent and active

myofascial trigger points can exist at the same muscle. Active trigger points cause local pain or/and refer pain to the corresponding regions while latent trigger points generate pain when being rubbing or squeezing.

When muscles are tight and shortened, the muscle attaching joints will become stiff and restricted. A partial dislocation of a joint or a vertebrae out of the place is called a joint subluxation. Poor posture, repetitive motion injuries and acute injuries are the common causes of subluxation. Depending on the location of subluxation, it can cause joint dysfunction, reduced spinal mobility, muscle tightness, muscle spasm, joint pain, the sensation of pins and needles or tingling in the extremities.

Chronic vertebral subluxation not being corrected will accelerate the process of the joint degeneration or osteoarthritis. The degenerative changes will further worsen joint dysfunction and nerve interference.

Chronic pain such as headaches, neck pain, back pain are contributed by the joint restriction and tight muscles. The hunched back causing the rigid rib cage can reduce the lung expansion and result in breathing difficult.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic treatment involving spinal manipulation can improve postural issues. Spinal manipulation can interfere the central nervous system to alter the communication between the brain and the other parts of the body. Chiropractic adjustment not only increase pain tolerance but also alter the excitability of paraspinal muscles (relaxation).

Cavitation (popping sound) from chiropractic adjustment can remove spinal subluxation to increase spinal mobility. Remedial massage promote healing damage soft tissue and muscle release. Exercises and stretches strengthen weak muscles and maintain the flexibility of muscles to correct postural imbalance.

A treatment plan to achieve proper posture should combine chiropractic care, remedial massage therapy and rehabilitation. Postural correction is beneficial to people with chronic pain and for their overall health.

Chiropractic Near Me

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156

How do you find the Best Chiropractor

Looking for a Chiropractor near me? How to choose the Best Chiropractor? There are five factors you should consider. 1. Locations 2. Reviews 3. Techniques 4. Co-management 5. Coverage

How do you find the Best Chiropractor(Doctor of Chiropractic) who is suitable for you?

A majority of people with pain are always struggling to find the Best Chiropractor in Sydney CBD. Searching “Chiropractor near me” on Google or other search engines is the most common method to find a Sydney Chiropractor. However, apart from “Chiropractor near me” this searching keyword, there are five factors you should consider when choosing a practitioner.

Looking for a Chiropractor near me?

Locations – Chiropractor near me

Locations are prime. No matter whether you have acute or chronic conditions such as cardiogenic headaches, knee pain, sports injury, or neck and back pain, you would like to find a Chiropractic clinic located right next to you. Prolonged driving could probably worsen the pain and become a hindrance to regular Chiropractic treatments for chronic conditions. Customer parking outside Chiropractic Clinics is convenient for patients with back pain, hip pain and lower limb pain to access. Also, facilities like ramps and lifts are wheelchair-friendly.

Reviews – Chiropractor near me

Another determining factor in choosing the best Chiropractor after typing Chiropractor near me is the reviews of Chiropractic clinics. Reviews show on different search engines and online booking systems grades Chiropractic services according to patients’ personal experience. The star rating on Google reviews tells the quality of Chiropractic services but the contents of reviews are also fundamental. To make a correct judgement read Google reviews when you choose the best Chiropractor.

Techniques – Chiropractor near me

“Chiropractor near me” only shows the closest Chiropractic clinic near you. Techniques that chiropractors use are the next critical factor. There are hundreds of different Chiropractic techniques bedsides spinal manipulations(also called Chiropractic adjustments). You should make an enquiry about what techniques the treating Chiropractor is using before you book an appointment.

Common Chiropractic Techniques:                                 Common Conditions:
Thompson Technique                                                         Neck Pain
Flexion-Distraction                                                              Headache
Activator Technique                                                            Migraine
Gonstead Technique                                                            Shoulder Pain
Diversified Technique                                                         Elbow Pain
Dry Needling                                                                         Back Pain
Active Release Technique(ART)                                       Knee Pain
Advanced Bio-Structural                                                     Ankle Pain
Advanced Bio-Structural Correction(ABC)                     Bulging Disc (Slipped Disc)
Sacro Occipital Technique(SOT)                                      Sciatica

Based on the conditions and personal preferences, some Chiropractic techniques are more suitable than others. Some people with neck pain due to poor posture would prefer a gentler Chiropractic technique rather than the “crack” sounds from neck adjustments. Some techniques above that stimulate the nervous system instead of realigning the spine are definitely gentler than others. If you prefer manual Chiropractic adjustments, Diversified or Gonstead Techniques can restore joint motions and remove subluxations.

Allied Health Teams – Chiropractor near me

A chiropractor can treat conditions related to bones, joints and muscles, and work on the nervous system to relieve pain, but certain conditions are required to refer to another profession. Allied health clinics are mainstream nowadays and include different allied health professions such as chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Remedial Massage Therapists, Podiatrists and Psychologists. People with all sorts of different conditions may require cross-professional work to achieve pain-free physical and mental health. Internal referrals between different professions in allied health clinics can avoid duplicating the process of history taking and examination by sharing the treatment notes

Coverage – Chiropractor near me

Most of the Chiropractic clinics shown on search engines accept all private insurance health funds by searching Chiropractic near me. Enhanced Primary Care(EPC) plan is a care plan you can get from your General Practitioners(GPs). It has a maximum of five services for each calendar year. The chronic management plan is eligible for those who have had chronic conditions for more than six months. Some chiropractors can do bulk billing from the EPC plan while others may need you to pay parts of the treatment cost. The treatment expense due to car accidents and work-related injuries would be covered by CTP claims and workers compensations. Veterans with white or gold cards can get Chiropractic services by billing the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for compensation claims.