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36 Donohue Street, Kings Park
9837 5161
Are you walking right

Are you walking right?

Walking is one of the healthiest and most accessible ways to move your body. It can improve blood sugar, boost your heart health and can even help you live longer. One study found that walking just three times per week could significantly reduce dementia risk, too. Best of all, walking is totally free, requires no gym and can take as much or as little time as you have to spend. That said, there are a few things that can prevent you from making the most of your walk. Here are 5 common walking mistakes and how to fix them so you’ll take more walks, get more steps and enjoy walking more than ever.

let's running together

let’s running together

One of the beauties of running is how simple it is to get started. With a good pair of running shoes, you can step out your door and get going—and you can do it at just about any age. Running is a great way to help improve your heart health, burn calories and boost your mood, among many other benefits. Running is a high-impact physical activity that can put added stress on your body. Make sure your joints and body can handle the impact, especially if you have been sedentary or have other health issues.

Why am i always so cold?

Why am i always so cold?

Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues. Having anemia, also referred to as low hemoglobin, can make you feel tired and weak.
There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term and can range from mild to severe. In most cases, anemia has more than one cause. See your doctor if you suspect that you have anemia. It can be a warning sign of serious illness.

What are the risk factors for sciatica

What are the risk factors for sciatica?

Your sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body, beginning in your lower back before branching off and running down each of your legs. If the nerve gets impinged at any point along this path, it can lead to a host of symptoms including pain, numbness, decreased range of motion and an inability to walk with a normal gait. If you’re cognizant about some of the risk factors that can increase your risk of sciatic nerve impingement, you can take some steps to mitigate your risk of sciatica. We highlight those factors from kings park chiropractic clinic near me.

Do you know the causes of sciatica

Do you know the causes of sciatica?

Sciatica is the symptom of an underlying medical condition. The mechanism of sciatic nerve injury is either a result of direct nerve compression, inflammation, an abnormal immune system response of the body, or a combination of all these factors.Understanding the possible causes of sciatica can help focus treatment on addressing the root problem rather than just masking the symptoms.The kings park chiropractic clinic Physical therapist near me will tell you Common Causes of Sciatica.

Why does my leg numbness and weakness

Why does my leg numbness and weakness?

Sciatica refers to back pain caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve. This is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. When something injures or puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that spreads to the hip, buttocks, and leg. Up to 90% of people recover from sciatica without surgery. The kings park chiropractic clinic chiropractor near me said, although the pain associated with sciatica can be severe, most cases clear up with treatment in a few weeks,such as chiropractic care, acupuncture. People who have severe sciatica and serious leg weakness or bowel or bladder changes might need surgery.

Would acupuncture treatments help chronic low back pain

Would acupuncture treatments help chronic low back pain?

Nearly 8 out of every 10 people will have low back pain at some point in life. Back pain is one of the top reasons people seek medical treatment. It is also the No. 1 reported reason for seeking acupuncture. The good news is chronic low back pain is one of the conditions that research suggests acupuncture may be an effective tool for treating. The chiropractor near me say doctors should consider acupuncture as an alternative therapy for patients with chronic low-back pain that’s not helped by conventional treatment.