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Why am i always so cold?

Why am i always so cold?

Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues. Having anemia, also referred to as low hemoglobin, can make you feel tired and weak.
There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term and can range from mild to severe. In most cases, anemia has more than one cause. See your doctor if you suspect that you have anemia. It can be a warning sign of serious illness.

Sciatica: How to treatment ?

Understanding the Different Types of Adult Spine Deformities

When you think of spinal deformities, you may think of scoliosis — most commonly, scoliosis that occurs in kids and teens whose backs develop a curve as they grow. 

But spinal deformities can affect adults, too, causing pain and other symptoms that can have a marked impact on your mobility, activity, and quality of life.


Kyphosis is seen when a person’s spinal balance has moved too far forward to allow the spine to effectively carry the body weight without progressive deformity, pain or neurologic loss of function. Patients typically walk in a forward flexed posture being unable to stand up straight. This condition can also occur along with scoliosis causing Kyphoscoliosis.


Lordosis is a spine deformity that causes an inward curve in your lower back (the lumbar spine). You may have heard lordosis called by its (rather unflattering) nickname, “swayback.”

Like many adult spine deformities, lordosis can be associated with age-related changes like arthritis or osteoporosis, with other spine conditions, or even with obesity. 

Lordosis can cause pain when lifting or bending, and it may also cause pain in other weight-bearing joints, like your knees.


Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that can occur in any age group. Scoliosis is a coronal plane (i.e. side to side) deformity occurring in children, adolescents, and adults. Symptoms vary with age of onset and severity of the curvature; cosmetic problems including sitting imbalance, breathing difficulty or delayed development is common findings in infants and young children. A rib hump, pelvic or shoulder height imbalance tend to common in the adolescent group. Intractable back pain, sciatica, leg weakness or numbness and gait difficulty are common reasons for surgical correction in adults.

Treating spine deformities

Spine deformities can cause painful symptoms, but fortunately, we can treat many of these problems conservatively with nonsurgical options. 

Depending on the results of your evaluation, your treatment plan could include:

  • Medication to relieve pain or inflammation

  • Physical therapy to improve spine mobility and flexibility

  • Posture exercises

  • Lifestyle changes to avoid back strain

  • Bracing to aid in alignment and support

Most people benefit from a combination of therapies, with adjustments made as your symptoms evolve or improve. For more severe issues or if these options don’t help relieve your pain,  May recommend surgery to address problems with your discs, spinal nerves, or vertebrae (your spine bones). 

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Is it Better to Go to the Chiropractor Before or After A Back Massage?

Is it Better to Go to the Chiropractor Before or After A Back Massage?

Chiropractic care and massage go together like peanut butter and jelly – but figuring out which service you should take advantage of first can be a bit of a nightmare. Some people operate are the impression that chiropractic care and massage can be used in any order whatsoever. And there’s certainly some truth to that.

The Benefits of Massage Before Chiropractic Adjustment

Scheduling your massage before your adjustment helps to release tension held in tight muscles. This can increase the effectiveness of the adjustment as well as reduce discomfort during the adjustment, as the muscles are often too tense to relax the body during the adjustments.

If you are going to a chiropractor for the first time, a massage before treatment can help to ease the physical effects of anxiety about your first adjustment. In this case, your adjustment will have a greater impact after the massage because your body may be less resistant to the movement.

Spinal misalignment may cause the supporting muscles to tense up in a protective effort of the spinal column. Reduction of tension in these muscles through massage decreases their resistance and interference with your adjustment. Massage may clear access to your joints and spine and reduce the chance of muscle spasm.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care Before Massage

Scheduling a massage after your chiropractic adjustments may help your body acclimate and absorb the beneficial side effects of the adjustment. Chiropractic adjustments often release feel-good chemicals including endorphins that can be fully absorbed through the massage.

Sometimes, in cases of severe pain, your adjustments can leave you feeling sore and even tired or groggy. A massage may be the perfect solution to soothe soreness and ease the after-effects of an intense adjustment.

Chiropractic adjustments can be a bit of a shock to your soft tissue, leaving the body highly stimulated and in an elevated state of tension. A post-adjustment massage can bring the body back to a relaxed state, so you leave the office feeling renewed and calm.

Can I Get a Chiropractic Adjustment and a Massage the Same Day?

Yes, it’s completely safe— and sometimes even recommended— to get an adjustment and a massage on the same day. Some people do them back-to-back, taking advantage of the fact that the two are done in the same building.

Other people prefer to wait a few hours between the massage and the adjustment, especially if they don’t have the appropriate window of time to do both in the same visit. Still, others like to space them out more, which is perfectly fine, too. Again, this ultimately comes down to your preferences, schedule, and what your doctor of chiropractic thinks is the most effective for you. 

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9 Myths About Massage Therapy

9 Myths About Massage Therapy

Would you like to consider using massage therapy as a health or wellness treatment? You may be hesitant because you’ve heard some worrying things about it. If so, you’re not alone. Many people have heard a number of common concerns about this age-old but often misunderstood treatment option.

To help you make the best healthcare decisions for yourself, here are some of these myths about massage therapy and what you should know about them.

1  If it doesn’t hurt, it isn’t effective. The goal of massage is to relax the muscles to allow proper tissue release and effective healing. If you find yourself holding your breathe, or tightening the muscle being worked because it’s painful, the pressure is too deep and the massage is counter-productive to its purpose. Always talk to your therapist during the session if you’re uncomfortable. Good massage therapists cause results, not pain.

2  Massage is only for women. 35% of women and 24% of men have received a massage in past 12 months. The number of professional athletes receiving therapeutic massage has doubled in the last 2 years.

3  If you’re pregnant, don’t get a message! Not at all true. Touch can convey comfort, awareness and induce relaxation. It can also help alleviate aches and pains. Prenatal massage is different from a regular massage–both in technique and intent. Ask if your therapist has had specific training in pre-natal massage and run away from any practitioner who doesn’t ask questions of collect additional information about the stage and condition of your pregnancy. Massage can be incredibly effective for mothers-to-be.

4 Massage is expensive. If you’re on a budget, is massage therapy out of reach financially? Not necessarily. As it has grown in practical usage and more providers are available, the cost of massage therapy has come down. You can often bundle multiple sessions as well as things like chiropractic care for a lower package price. And be sure to ask your insurance provider about coverage for massage therapy if you’ve had an accident.

How much massage therapy you get is up to you. Your therapist is there to help you find a path to wellness, so they will work with what you can afford. Be honest with them and let them assist you in crafting an affordable plan that keeps you on the road to health.

5  What your massage therapist doesn’t know about your health won’t hurt you (or them). The more you tell your therapist about your current state of wellness, the better the result of the massage. There are some cases when massage is not advised–for the client or for the protection of the therapist.

6  Massage is only for relaxation. Virtually every pro and amateur sports team regularly encourages massage for reducing muscle soreness, and helping with quick recovery. Massage can be for pain relief, injury recovery, to increase focus and clarity, or to calm nerves.

7 Massage therapists and doctors think each other are crazy. About 70% of massage therapists get regular referrals from doctors and other healthcare professionals.

8  Massage will make you feel awkward or self-conscious. We make every effort to ensure your experience is effective and delightful. Comfortable, private rooms and a very skilled therapist ensure you have no worries. Your modesty and comfort are of the utmost importance. You can rest assured nothing but pure massage therapy will happen during your session.

9  You won’t like it. Almost 90% of our customers return after their first visit. There’s something good happening here and you should see what the buzz is about.

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Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care

Benefits Of Combining Massage Therapy With Chiropractic Care

If you are looking for a way to receive a well-rounded treatment plan that addresses a wide variety of healing benefits, then you may have thought about using massage therapy in conjunction with chiropractic care. These two treatment options often go hand-in-hand because they work synergistically with one another. Furthermore, if you visit a local chiropractor, he or she may recommend that you give massage therapy a try. If you want to get the most out of each of these treatment options, learn more about why they work well together, how they can benefit your health, and how they can get you on the road to recovery.

Combining Chiropractic and Massage Therapy

When combined together, chiropractic and massage therapy provide a complete and efficient system of treatment. Whatever your physical problems may be, combining these two types of care together can increase your overall quality of life and help maintain optimum health for patients.

Why They Work Well Together

Chiropractic focuses on the hard tissue of the body (vertebrae and joints of the spine) while massage focuses on the soft tissues (muscles) of the body. By targeting both the hard and soft tissues, a faster and more overall complete recovery is achieved.

Massages work well with chiropractic because of the relaxation factor. After a massage, a chiropractic patient is more relaxed and less anxious. This allows the chiropractor to better adjust the joints and spine. Relaxed muscles also won’t pull the joints back out of alignment due to the release of muscle tension.

After visiting your preferred massage therapist, come by The Joint for a gentle all natural adjustment to find relief for your aches and pains. With no pesky insurance forms to fill out or appointment times to remember, The Joint makes adding chiropractic treatment to your massage therapy a snap!

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Long-Distance Driving and Chiropractic Treatment Options

If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel of your car then you are at a higher risk for spinal disorders. The reason for this is the way car seats are designed, which isn’t very supportive of the spine. You’d think with all the engineering that goes into cars, and the price you pay for them, that car seats would be better but it’s really up to you to go the extra mile and ensure your spine’s health during your commute. Here are some practical tips to help you keep your spine healthy behind the wheel of your car.

Check out some treatment options for driving pains. Along with alleviating some of your current pains, chiropractic treatment can also work as a preventative tool to protect your body for any future driving trips.

Neck Treatment

As you drive for long distances, your neck has very little support. Not only do you need to keep your head up straight while you drive, but you may find yourself constantly turning your head to look in mirrors, other lanes, or down streets during intersections. The pressure and pain on your neck could become worse during longer trips.

Treatment options include a specific focus on the neck muscles. A chiropractor may perform stretches and movements to relieve pressure in the neck and provide relaxation for your body. In some cases, a chiropractor may crack your neck to release bubbles and built-up tension.

During a full exam, a doctor will feel the neck, massage specific areas, and figure out what areas are worse off due to the driving. Along with the exam, a chiropractor may give some tips to relieve neck pain and provide more comfort while you drive.

Hip Alignment

When you sit in the same position for an extended amount of time, the angle of a car seat can put a lot of pressure on your hips. Your hips may swell up and cause pain. You will likely notice the pain when you lift yourself up out of the car and walk on your feet again. Along with inflamed hips, your hips could be out of place.

A chiropractor can lay you on your side and provide you with a hip alignment treatment. When you get your hips realigned, the pressure releases and pain subsides. Through years of experience, a chiropractor can recognize hip issues. Along with alignment, physical treatments provide relief and can build up flexibility for future driving trips.

Spine Alignment

Car seats may provide cushioning, but they do not offer the best comfort for long periods of time. If you lean forward while you drive and spend multiple hours on the road, you will put a lot of pressure on your spine. Areas of the spine could become damaged and result in discomfort while you drive or complete other activities.

A spine alignment is similar to a hip alignment. A chiropractor will perform a full exam on your back and provide you with professional treatment. A doctor will adjust specific areas of the spine to reduce pressure and help form your back in a proper position.

General massage treatments on your back will also reduce pain and swelling. Lower back pain is common for long-distance drives as well. Massage treatment provided by a chiropractor will provide some relief. A chiropractor may recommend back support in the form of a seat cushion or a support piece you wear on your back.

If you drive long distances for a career, then back support could become a part of your daily driving routine.

Leg and Knee Treatment

When you drive, your legs are placed in a bent position for a majority of the trip. When you get out of a vehicle, you may notice your knee feels tight or locked up. Your leg joints could have aches and pains. A chiropractor will provide treatment in the form of physical therapy.

In physical therapy, you will have target treatments on leg areas. A doctor will stretch out your legs, improve flexibility, and heal damaged muscles. You may also learn some stretches to perform at home. If you get into the regular habit of stretching, you can reduce the pains you suffer from on long road trips.

In some cases, you will also use the stretches after a trip to loosen muscles again. Extended physical therapy can guide you along the way.

Shoulder Pains

Driving for extended amounts of time means your arms reach out to grab the steering wheel. A lot of the movements and positions put pressure directly on the shoulder muscles. You could suffer from swollen tendons, pinched nerves, or general muscle pains.

A chiropractor’s first step is a full exam of your shoulder. A doctor will stretch your arm and shoulder in multiple directions to see when pain occurs and what points may have swelling. A gentle massage, shoulder cracking, and in-depth physical therapy are all ideal treatment options for shoulder pain.

If you spend a lot of time in your car, or if you drive for a living, it’s really important to speak with your chiropractor about it. They can not only help to keep your spine in proper alignment but also give you some more tips to help keep you healthy on the road.

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5 Common Myths and Worries About Massage Therapy

The benefits of massage are clear. But with so much misinformation floating around online — not to mention personal opinions — other aspects of massage are not as clear.To help you make the best healthcare decisions for yourself, here are some of these myths about massage therapy and what you should know about them. 

Myth 1: Massage and Massage Therapy Are the Same

Massage therapy is a proven therapeutic technique designed to realize a specific goal. Massage, on the other hand, is a more general wellness technique to reduce stress and improve overall discomfort. Both have their purposes and their roles, but the provider approaches them in very different ways. A massage therapist works with the client to identify and target certain medical needs and complement other treatments. 

Myth 2: Women shouldn’t get massages while they are pregnant 

What?! There is a grossly incorrect misconception that massage will cause early labor or miscarriage. I even had a client worried about having a certain pressure point avoided at all costs. No, no, no people. Massage has been around for centuries. Therapists don’t go around setting ladies off into labor left and right. Massage does no such thing.In fact, massage therapy can be very helpful to expectant mothers because it helps improve circulation. Better blood circulation and lymph movement often reduce swelling associated with pregnancy. And the therapist will work to soothe sore muscles and reduce the discomfort of pregnancy.

Myth 3: Massage Therapy Is Painful

Have you or a friend had a massage that was uncomfortable — or downright painful? If so, you may be understandably reticent to try it again. But massage therapy doesn’t have to hurt in order to work. A skilled therapist will work muscles and manipulate portions of the body according to what the client is comfortable with. They won’t force you to go beyond what you wish to do. No one in a massage therapy session is expected to just endure pain, and the adage of ‘no pain, no gain’ isn’t the goal. Instead, you work as a team with the therapist to identify your goals and challenges. The therapist may work up slowly to certain goals or they may recommend multiple less-intensive sessions to achieve the same effect as a harder workout. 

Myth 4: Massage Therapy Is Only for Muscle Pain

Certainly, massage therapy’s primary target is the muscles in your body. But these are far from the only part that it can help. The deep treatment of a good massage therapist works with the fascia that connects various elements of your body. It can aid with the flow of lymph to reduce inflammation. Pressure points may help fight off migraine and other headaches. And increased blood flow speeds healing. Many people use massage therapy alongside chiropractic care to improve the effects of both treatments. By loosening up the body and reducing inflammation, for instance, you may find better results from chiropractic adjustments on the bones and joints.

Myth 5: Getting a massage can spread cancer

Just as the health of an unborn baby is of great concern to those It was once thought that massage could spread cancer cells throughout the body. Cancer cells form due to a malfunctioning immune system and would form regardless of having the area massaged or not. Massage increases circulation but does not cause cancerous cells to “move” or spread. If that were the case, simply exercising would spread cancerous cells.Rather than avoiding massage therapy if you have cancer, consider adding it to your treatment plan. All the beneficial effects, such as improved circulation and help with headaches, can help you feel better during cancer treatment. 

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chiropractic care of children

The chiropractic care of children with “growing pains”

An estimated 2 in 5 children will experience growing pains. They occur between the ages of 3 to 12. Parents often take their children to the doctor for growing pains.

The cause is unknown, but they are considered related to the normal process of growth and development.

Chiropractic care can help with these pains by realigning the spine and helping to improve blood flow and nerve function.

Here is what you need to know about how chiropractic care can help bring relief to your child that is suffering from growing pains.

What are growing pains?

Although there are no known medical causes, theories of cause range from muscle fatigue to juvenile arthritis. According to a 1984 study, limb pain was a presenting complaint in 7% of visits to the pediatrician. Furthermore, a South Australian study published in the August 2004 issue of the Journal of Pediatrics found that approximately 36.9% of children 4–6 years of age experienced growing pains, nearly one-third of the children in the population.

Leg pains are usually explained by medical doctors as a result of physical activity, and parents are given few to no options for treatment. They may suggest massaging the legs or the use of pain-relieving medication. They may explain that growing pains are normal during the growth process and it will pass. However, this does not offer comfort to parents who awaken to their children crying in pain every night.

Should we accept that there is no treatment for growing pains, which affect 25%–40% of children? The answer is “No!” Are there other options available to alleviate these leg pains? Try Chiropractic!

Getting to the Cause

So, what causes these “growing pains”? From a chiropractic standpoint, we must look at the biomechanical issues. We must first understand the growth process time line. The first five years of a child’s life is the time of greatest spinal growth. During the first year of life, the spine increases 12 cm in length and another 15 cm between 1 and 5 years of age. Between 5 and 10 years of age, the growth rate decreases to 10 cm. There is another increase at puberty between approximately 10 and 18 years of age with 20 cm of spinal grown in males and 15 cm in females. Logically, if something interferes with this growth process, there may be problems. What if a child was put into a baby walker before his/ her body was ready to walk? This premature walking assistance can alter biomechanics, leading to postural abnormalities, disruption of proper locomotion skills, and also injury to the child. Other interferences of the growth process may include birth trauma, a fall, sports injuries, and overly sedentary lifestyles.

chiropractic care of children

What causes growing pains?

There is no one cause of growing pains, but several factors may contribute to them. Some of these causes include:

  • Increased physical activity. Children may have more pain if they are very active, as their muscles and joints are constantly in use.

  • A lower pain threshold. Some children may be more sensitive to pain than others, leading to growing pains. Headaches and stomach pain usually accompany these pains.

  • Hypermobility, or moving joints beyond their typical range of motion, can also contribute to growing pains. The reason is that hypermobile children may put more stress on their muscles and joints, leading to pain.

  • Low vitamin D levels can also contribute to growing pains.

How can chiropractic care help?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to managing growing pains, but chiropractic care may be a safe, non-invasive, and non-addictive alternative that can help. Chiropractors can realign the spine and joints, which may help ease swelling and pain.

Additionally, chiropractic care can help improve overall health and well-being, which may also help relieve symptoms of growing pains. Although chiropractic care is often considered an alternative treatment option, it is an effective and safe way to manage pain in children.

In fact, chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive alternative to over-the-counter (OTC) medications.

Another important point is that many of these children also have complaints of spinal pain in addition to the leg pain. There is little medical research, but, much of what there is focuses only on growing in the legs. Chiropractors look at the body as a whole and not as separate parts. Chiropractors recognize that, if there is stress in one area of the body, the rest of the body will somehow compensate for this stress.

Don’t let your child’s growing pains and leg cramps ruin a good night’s sleep for you or your child. Remember, a chiropractor does not just treat one problem, but instead aims to promote overall health in your child. This is why it is important to make the chiropractor an important factor in your child’s health routine.

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Treating Degenerative Disc Disease with Adjustments and Manual Therapies

If you want to prevent DDD (degenerative disc disease), maintaining good posture is the single most important factor within your control. Why is proper body posture such an essential thing? For many reasons, the body’s spinal discs lose their effectiveness over time.

Aging, lifestyle, sitting habits, work routines, smoking, diet, disease, genetics, and other things play a role in your spine’s, and your spine’s discs, overall health.

Eventually, as age and other potential factors play their role, it’s possible for even the healthiest among us to suffer from vertebrae tissue that breaks down. What’s the most likely result? For most adults, there are limitations to mobility and varying levels of pain, from mild to quite severe. But, poor posture is something, unlike aging, that people can completely control.

Of course, it takes discipline, perseverance, desire to get the job done. Above all else, it’s best to acquire initial guidance from a licensed chiropractic physician to make certain that you’re approaching the challenge correctly.

The best place to begin, before booking a visit with your favorite chiropractor, is to learn the most basic facts about DDD, degenerative disc disease, including DDD’s symptoms and its role in spine health. Additionally, get the facts about how bad posture can lead directly to DDD.

Finally, learn how to practice proper posture and get your whole program started off with sound advice and assistance from a chiropractor.

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

From the name, the condition refers to the damage or deterioration of the discs between your spinal vertebrae. 

Often, spinal discs start to wear out as you age. It happens to most people. In the case of DDD, however, there is rapid and severe damage in the process leading to pain.

Spinal discs are rubbery like cushions between your back bones (spinal vertebrae), and they help with support, flexing and shock absorption. When the cushions wear out, your backbones sink and, in the process, press against the nerves that traverse the spaces between them. Anything that touches the nerves can cause immense pain.

What are the Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease?

Do you know the common symptoms of spinal problems, primarily DDD? If not, it’s helpful to understand that any type of spine misalignment, including herniated discs, bulges within any of the discs, or so-called “permeated” areas on spinal discs can be quite painful and contribute to long-term problems.

Many sufferers discover that having to live with high levels of pain is not a physical but also a psychological problem. Some of the following symptoms can serve as warning signs that you have disc-related issues and should visit a chiropractor as soon as possible:

  • Areas in legs, torso, neck, or arms that are numb or tingling

  • General pain in any part of the back

  • A range of motion that is limited in nature, in any limb or in the torso (trunk)

  • Any area of the body in which you notice pain that appears to be sharp or severe

How Can Chiropractic Care Help with Degenerative Disc Disease?

Chiropractic care is an alternative form of medicine that involves healing without surgery or pharmacological intervention. The treatment relies on evidence-based techniques that not only achieve wellness but also improve the quality of life.

Chiropractic care techniques for degenerative disc disease may include:

  • Spinal manipulation and decompression 

  • Joint mobilization 

  • Massage and soft tissue manipulation 

  • Rehab and exercise

  • Physical treatment with ice, heat, ultrasound or laser 

  • Nutritional counseling

Contact us to set an appointment.

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Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

Sport Injuries treatment plan

Muscle Strain? Chiropractic Can Help

When people think of chiropractic care, they usually picture spinal manipulation to treat misaligned vertebrae, headaches, or neck pain. Not everyone knows that chiropractors also treat pulled muscles. If you’re an athlete struggling with muscular pain, learn more about this injury and how a chiropractor can help.

How to Prevent Pulled Muscles

Although the risk of muscle strain is highest among athletes, everyone should be mindful of daily activities that could cause muscle strain. To prevent injuries in the future, follow these tips:

  • Warm up before exercising or playing sports.
  • Stretch in the morning, after you exercise, and before bed to increase your flexibility.
  • Increase the intensity of your workout routine gradually rather than pushing yourself too hard, too soon.
  • Practice good lifting techniques.
  • Sit and stand with proper posture.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight to avoid stressing your leg and back muscles.

Chiropractic Care  for Pulled Muscles

Chiropractic Care for Pulled Muscles

Musculoskeletal Manipulation

One way a chiropractor can help you deal with a strained muscle is through musculoskeletal manipulation. This effective technique lightly manipulates the joints and tissue to reduce the pain of a pulled muscle and release tight muscles, which promotes mobility and expedites your body’s healing process.

Active Release Technique

Another effective strategy for relieving a pulled muscle is to use the active release technique. A chiropractor uses the dynamic release technique by breaking up adhesions that build up due to scar tissue in the muscle. Ultimately, this is a great way to gain more mobility and reduce the painful symptoms of muscle strain.


One of the best ways to treat a pulled muscle is through rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Also known as the “R.I.C.E” method, this treatment can help improve the recovery process while also reducing the pain of a muscle strain. A chiropractor can help you develop a detailed regimen to help you overcome a pulled muscle. When you have a musculoskeletal problem, your best bet is to consult the musculoskeletal specialists at Kings Park Chiropractic.

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Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Norwest NSW 2153

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

6 Benefits of Long-Term Chiropractic Care

8 Benefits of Chiropractic Care Even If You’re Not in Pain

Chiropractic is a hands-on approach to medicine that focuses on spinal manipulation to improve health. Your spine is at the centre of your musculoskeletal system, and if it’s misaligned, you can experience pain or discomfort in a variety of ways.

One of the most common reasons patients visit a chiropractor is pain. Back pain, neck pain, and headaches are some of the top conditions chiropractors address. But did you know that there are benefits to chiropractic care that go beyond pain relief?

Through chiropractic adjustments, your body is able to function efficiently. Maintaining health naturally can prevent health complications before they start, minimizing the need for drugs or surgical procedures to keep you feeling well long-term.

In addition to pain management, chiropractic care can improve your:

1. Reduced Stress

Since consistent stress exacerbates the nerves, getting chiropractic treatment can decrease that tension and boost blood circulation, which would have been affected by the “fight or flight” state. Through deep tissue massage and moderate control of the neck and spine, the chiropractic physician helps you and guides worry far from the body.

2. Improved immune function

A healthy immune system keeps viral and bacterial infections at bay. Your nervous system regulates cell functions, but even the slightest misalignment can interrupt the process, and this has a ripple effect on your immune system’s ability to fight off viruses.

Chiropractic care restores function to your nerves to ensure your cells are operating the way they ought to.

3. Lowered blood pressure

Studies show that a chiropractic adjustment targets the nerves in your upper neck, which may be just as effective as taking blood pressure medication.

4. Much Healthier Pregnancies

It’s been reported that chiropractic care may assist in healthier pregnancies and easier deliveries. Your body goes through momentous changes during pregnancy which impact the nervous system. Weight increases in the body’s core and ligaments in the pelvis loosen, placing increased pressure on your spine. Regular chiropractic sessions can ensure both a healthier mother and baby.

5. Improved digestion

Problems with the nervous system in your thoracic spine, or middle back, can lead to acid reflux, gas, and heartburn. Regular chiropractic care can realign the vertebrae in this area, which may ease stomach issues.

6. Improved range of motion

Regular chiropractic care provides an improved range of motion, helping you to move easier and get through your daily activities with less effort.

7. Sleep more soundly

Misalignments in the spine — even those that don’t cause noticeable pain — might be interfering with your sleep. Regular chiropractic adjustments take unhealthy strain and stress off of the nerves and bones in your spine, promoting relaxation.

8. Improved range of motion

Even if you’re not in pain, your joints, connective tissue, and ligaments change and deteriorate over time. Even if you’re not in pain, your joints, connective tissue, and ligaments change and deteriorate over time. When widely known expert athletes depend upon chiropractic doctors to restore their bodies to peak fitness, you can comprehend such treatments work! The benefits of chiropractic adjustments include a drug-free, holistic technique to assist in muscle recovery, lower swelling, decrease oxidative stress, and eliminate post-exercise discomfort.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Kings Park NSW 2148

Blacktown NSW 2148

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Norwest NSW 2153

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769