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Headache Relief Through Remedial Massage

Many people have experienced headaches at some points of their lives. Headache is one of the commonest symptoms that secondary and associated to other conditions. Some types of headaches are not due to brain tumors and are life-threatening, but chronic headaches can definitely affect the quality of life and productivity.

Headache patients always seek for suitable and effective treatment methods to ease their headaches. Preventive medicine and pain-relief medicine such as naproxen, paracetamol, ibuprofen can prevent some types of headaches that happen or alleviate pain from headaches.

However, each medication comes with a variety of side effects which may not be suitable to take for long term. chiropractic care, physiotherapy, dry needling and remedial massage are the alternative treatment methods with fewer complications, so people use to improve their headaches. In this article, the common headache types and how remedial massage can relieve headaches are going to be discussed.

Common Types Of Headaches

Dehydration Headaches

Dehydration headaches are both sided pulsating ache, which is similar to hangover headache. Different individuals with dehydration headaches may feel differently. dehydration is literally the causes of this type of headaches.

Dehydration headaches result from excessive fluid losses or deficient fluid intake. Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, heat stroke, strenuous exercise, excessive sweat, insufficient food and fluid intake are some causes of dehydration headaches.

Rehydration and staying hydration are the best treatment and prevention of dehydration headaches. Sports drinks are good options to rehydrate and keep the balance of electrolytes in the body. If the headaches are secondary to other condition, finding the primary cause and rehydration are necessary.


Migraine is one type of headaches that occurs one sided throbbing pain. Associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia (sensitivity to light), phonophobia(sensitivity to noise) and aura (visual disturbances) can happen spontaneously.

In Australia, there are 4.9 million migraine sufferers. Females who suffer from migraine accounts for 71%, which is much more prevalent than male migraine sufferers. It may contribute from hormonal factors.

Migraine can affect not only adults but also children. Migraine can start from childhood, but it is more likely to begin at the age of 20s. Migraine patients frequently report at least one of their family members suffering from the same type of headaches. In other word, migraine is a hereditary condition.

Migraine can be triggered by many different precipitating factors including dehydration, oversleeping, sleep deprivation, strenuous exercise, weather changes, certain food or medications.

Tension Type Headaches

Tension Headaches are normally bilateral, non-throbbing pain, often accompanied by tight neck muscles. Tension headaches are highly common headache type and more prevalent on women (2.7% to 86%) than men (from 1.3% to 65%).

Tension headaches are not necessarily triggered by psychological stress or tension. Poor posture, certain medications, depression, anxiety, jaw-clenching and head injuries can also cause tension headaches. Myofascial Trigger points located in neck and head muscles can radiate the pain to the head and this referred pain can mimic tension headaches. Active trigger points are frequently found in People with chronic tension-type headaches.

Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches arise from the neck region, involving atlanto-occipital and upper cervical joints. The pain begins from the neck and radiates to the back of the head and the front of the face. Neck pain, neck stiffness and a reduced cervical range of motion is commonly associated with cervicogenic headaches. Cervicogenic headaches can be irritated with certain neck movements.

Neck injuries such as whiplash and neck muscle strain are the common causes of cervicogenic headaches. It is difficult to differentiate between cervicogenic headaches and other primary headaches (tension type headaches and migraine).

Remedial Massage for headaches – Remedial Massage Near Me

Remedial massage treatment is more effective on relieving the type of headaches involving myofascial trigger points and stiff muscles. Remedial massage therapists can locate the taut bands in the muscles and release them by different massage techniques. Pressing and rubbing on palpable nodules in the hypertonic muscles can deactivate trigger points. Massaging to increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage can promote the healing process in the injured tissues and relax tight muscles.

Combined remedial massage therapy with dry needling or chiropractic treatment has a better outcome for treating migraine and cervicogenic headaches. These two types of headaches involve not only muscles but also the cervical joints and the nervous system. Apart from these methods, deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and stretching exercises are also used to reduce the pain intensity of headaches.

Service Areas Of Massage Services:

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156

How Remedial Massage Relieves Tight Muscles

The force of movements are generated by skeletal muscles. In the daily of life, muscles are not only recruited to create movements but also to maintain the body posture. Musculoskeletal pain occurs due to the hypertonic muscles and muscle injuries. Massage therapies such as Remedial massage and Swedish are popular to use for pain relief and muscle relaxation among injured people.

Athletes more frequently use sports massage and deep tissue massage to reduce fatigue after sports events and intensive training and increase sports performance.

Why Are Some Muscles Always Tight?

Bad Posture

In order to maintain the body postures such as sitting, lying and standing, our muscles have to work together. This muscle tension at rest is called muscle tone to resist gravity when you are at certain position. People with the poor posture always result in particular muscle fatigue.

For example, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to hypertonic nuscles such as upper trapezius, levator scapula, pectoralis major, hip flexors and lower back muscles. There are some muscles that tend to be weak and loose. The deep neck flexor and abdominal muscles are the typical examples. Non specific neck pain and lower back pain are contributed mainly by the muscles mentioned above.


Overstretching or tearing of a skeletal muscle or tendon is called strain while an injury that tears or overstretches a Ligament is called sprain. Injuries like muscle, tendon strain and ligament sprain are very common.

When the muscle or ligament injury happens, the range of movement of the adjacent joint will be decreased. The surrounded muscles are guarding to limit any necessary movements to protect the injured site . The sensation of pain or swelling will further restrict the joint mobility that worsens muscle stiffness.

An overuse injury is due to the repetitive movement that causes micro trauma to the tissues such as tendon and bursa. The typical examples are stress fracture, tendinitis and bursitis. The overuse injury can happen in any parts of the body depending on the type of sports and occupations. Pain, swelling, inflammation, the limited range of motion and/or muscle guard can occur in the involved soft tissue with the overuse injury.

Why Do Tight Muscles Cause Pain?

A skeletal muscle is composed of a number of muscle fibres that are covered by connective tissues known as fasciae. Chronic stress, muscle injuries and overuse, especially sustained repetitive activities are the commonest causes of forming myofascial trigger points. Myofascial trigger points are hypersensitive muscle knots in the taut band of muscles, which muscle fibres form nodules.

There are two types of myofascial trigger points (active trigger point and latent trigger point) and both are palpable nodules. An active trigger point results in localised pain and referred pain spontaneously.

The active trigger point can radiate pain to surrounded tissues and/or distant regions depending on which muscle. Referred pain patterns of some neck muscles such as trapezius, splenius cervicis, sternocleidomastoid and suboccipital muscle group can mimic headaches. Trigger point forming in a different part of the same muscle can distantly refer to completely different locations.

In contract, a latent trigger point is a hyperirritable spot that leads to pain or discomfort with compression. The latent trigger point can become active when muscle trauma or psychological stress occurs. Otherwise, it can keep latent for years.

Muscle weakness, dysfunction and the reduced range of motion are commonly seen in both active and latent trigger points.

Remedial Massage Near Me

Remedial massage is one of the therapies that uses to release pain form tight muscles. A Remedial massage therapist palpates tense muscles and find palpable nodules. The light pressure of palpating an active trigger point can probably elicit “jump sign”, which is an involuntary muscle movement or a local twitch response. This is due to the irritation of myofascial trigger point that may cause local tenderness and/or referred pain.

Benefit of Massage

The remedial massage therapist will use varied massage techniques especially rubbing and pressing on found trigger points. Trigger points being pressed for around 30 seconds, “jump sign” or the local twitch response can occur before deactivating these hypersensitive spots. The deactivation of trigger points can reduce pain, muscle weakness and improve the range of motion.

Massaging the hypertonic muscles can also promote blood flow and lymphatic drainaget o the pain site to reduce muscle waste and supply nutrients and oxygen. Also, relieving muscle after massage is not fatigue easily.

Dry needling is another very effective method to release myofascial trigger points. If you would like to know more about the difference between dry needling and acupuncture, please read the related article on the chiropractor blog.

Service Areas Of Massage Services:

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156

Remedial Massage And Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is the third most common musculoskeletal problem that people go to see medical doctors. The reason why shoulder pain is so common is due to its anatomical structure. The shoulder joint is the most complicated joint in the body. Frozen shoulder (also called adhesive capsulitis), shoulder impingement, subacromial bursitis, sprain, strain and tears in rotator cuff muscles are the common causes that occur at different ages.

Shoulder Joint Anatomy

As mentioned above, the shoulder joint (also known as glenohumeral joint) is a very complex structure compared to other joints of the body. The ball and socket structure allows the range of motion (or the range of movement) of the shoulder to move almost 360 degrees across different plants. It is the most mobile joint in the human body.

The rotator cuff muscles comprise four muscles that are on both sides of the scapula. They are supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis.

The movement of shoulder abduction and external rotation are performed by supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres. The deltoid muscle assists the movement of abduction. The subscapularis muscle mainly performs internal rotation and adduction of the shoulder joint.

The stability of the shoulder joint relies on the active and passive supporting structures. All four rotator cuff muscles that are the active support contribute the stability of the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint capsule and ligaments including glenohumeral, coracohumeral, transverse humeral and coraco- clavicular ligaments around the shoulder joint are the passive supporting structure. Due to the lack of muscles in the front of the shoulder, shoulder dislocation is prone to occur anteriorly.

A bursa is a sac filled synovial fluid which works as a cushion to reduce friction between tendons and other structures. Subdeltoid bursa and subacromial bursa are located under the deltoid muscle and in the subacromial space. Subdetoid and/or subacromial bursitis due to the shoulder joint overuse and poor posture can cause shoulder restriction especially abduction, external rotation and internal rotation) and shoulder impingement.

The Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain

Due to the high mobility of the glenohumeral joint, the shoulder joint is more vulnerable than other joints. People with the poor posture that have anterior head carriage, rounded shoulders and hunchback are more likely to have shoulder pain.

The repetitive motion such as overhead movements that overuses the rotator cuff muscles can cause the inflammation of tendon (tendinitis) and bursa (bursitis). Inflamed rotator cuff tendons are more vulnerable to tear. Age over 45 year old is also more prone to rotator cuff muscle tear rather than muscle strain.

Shoulder pain is common on volleyball, baseball and tennis players. Repeated stress on the glenohumeral joint capsule during serve leads to shoulder pain. In order to increase the power and speed of serve, athletes will try to maximise the shoulder external rotation. These athletes are more susceptible to shoulder bursitis and other types of shoulder injuries.

How Remedial Massage Treatment Releases Shoulder Pain

Apart from dry needling, trigger point therapy and chiropractic care, people who are suffering from chronic shoulder pain always use remedial massage therapy to reduce chronic pain. Highly-trained remedial massage therapists will palpate the shoulder muscles and the adjacent regions including neck, upper and middle back because shoulder pain may be probably radiated from these regions.

Once the damage tissues such as immature scar tissues and myofascial trigger points are found, remedial massage therapists will focus on that area to apply different massage techniques. Kneading, rhythmic pressure, tapping and rolling are the basic massage techniques. Myofascial trigger points can be deactivated by applying certain pressure on hyperirritable spots to reach myofascial release. Remedial massage also increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to enhance the healing process.

Service Areas Of Massage Services:

Kings Park NSW 2148

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Blacktown NSW 2148

Dural NSW 2158

Kellyville NSW 2155

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Bella Vista NSW 2153

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Glenhaven NSW 2156