Car Accident

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment After a Car Accident

If you’re suffering from an auto accident, you might be surprised to learn that chiropractic care can provide a drug-free way to relieve your pain. For instance, if you have back pain or neck pain after being involved in a car accident, this could mean you have a spinal or whiplash injury. If you do not receive proper care, these types of injuries can have a serious, negative impact on your health. They can lead to months, or possibly even years, of chronic pain.Here are five benefits you could potentially receive by visiting a chiropractor after a car accident.

Benefits of post-accident chiropractic treatments

1. Decrease Pain

When you visit a chiropractor, they will perform a full evaluation to identify and treat any health conditions that can benefit from chiropractic. It’s common for people to experience a spine misalignment after a car accident. If this is the case, the chiropractor will perform a gentle, precise adjustment designed to carefully shift your vertebrae back into the correct position. This process will decrease pain, tension, and stress affecting your spine or joints.

Additionally, your chiropractor may also perform massage therapy. This will help reduce the knots in your muscles, ligament sprains, and any nerve issues that can cause pain. Chiropractic care is an effective way to achieve long-term pain relief without pain medications or risky invasive surgeries. 

2. Reduce inflammation

Inflammation is a common consequence of physical injury. While some amount of inflammation is normal and indicates your body’s attempts to heal itself, too much can be harmful to your tissues and can cause discomfort. When a chiropractor manipulates your spine to realign the spinal cord, your body may respond by cutting back on its inflammatory cytokine production, which can lower the inflammatory response in your body and reduce pain.

Inflammatory back pain presents in different ways than mechanical back pain. Symptoms of excessive inflammation in the spine include stiffness and pain that increases after periods of inactivity. If your back pain is due to inflammation, you will most likely feel the most pain when you first wake in the morning.

3. Improved Range of Motion

Another common symptom resulting after an auto collision is stiffness in the back and neck. This happens due to misaligned spine joints, scar tissue development, and inflammation. However, chiropractic care can restore and even improve your range of motion by mobilizing and realigning the spine during adjustments.

4. Break Up Scar Tissue

After being injured in a car accident, it’s likely that you have damaged internal tissue. To deal with this damage, your body usually replaces this tissue with scar tissue. While scar tissue serves a purpose, it’s better to have healthy tissue that helps you stay mobile and flexible. If the scar tissue is causing you discomfort, your chiropractor can perform adjustments to break up any scar tissue. This will help your body heal faster and let your injured tissue recover and achieve a healthier state.

5. Decrease the Risk for Further Health Issues

A major benefit of visiting a chiropractor is that they can help reduce your risk for additional health issues or complications. Being injured in a car accident can cause lasting health issues when not addressed as soon as possible. While many people may choose to just get surgery to fix their injuries, this invasive treatment can lead to new health problems and long recovery rates. A natural alternative is chiropractic care, which can reduce the risk for further health risks. Indeed, a chiropractor can help you achieve lasting health without pain or discomfort. 

6. Experience non-invasive treatment

Most people want to avoid surgery after a car accident if possible. However, if you wait too long to treat your injuries, surgery could end up being your only option. Chiropractic treatments are non-invasive and align the spine without surgical intervention. If you visit a chiropractor for treatment soon after your injury, you may reduce your chances of requiring surgery in the future.

Chiropractic treatments

If you’re suffering from an auto accident injury–regardless of whether it was a “fender bender” or a major crash–don’t wait to deal with your pain. Prompt chiropractic care will help support your body’s natural healing process and help you avoid a lifetime of chronic pain or other health problems.

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