Pregnancy Massage – Chiropractor near me

Questions About Pregnancy Massage

A new life coming into the world is the most exciting moment. Women have to experience 40 weeks of pregnancy before babies fully develop. Pregnant women will have great changes physiologically and psychologically during the period of gestation.
These changes may cause body discomfort such as pains and aches, and leg swelling. Depression and anxiety also commonly occur during pregnancy.
Future mothers need support to go through the changes. Pregnancy massage (also called prenatal massage) could effectively improve the discomfort of pregnancy, mood and the quality of sleep. However, the safety of prenatal massage is always a frequent ask question. Then, could both pregnant women and babies be beneficial from pregnancy massage?

Is Pregnancy Massage Safe?

Pregnancy massage is generally safe for both mothers and babies. Professional massage therapists are well-trained to provide relaxation massage. Leg pain, low back pain, fluid retention and anxiety are the common accompanied symptoms and signs during pregnancy.
Pregnancy massage is recommended after 1st trimester. There are three reasons for it. The first reason is the chance of miscarriage in the first 12 weeks of gestation is higher. Secondly, the size of the abdomen does not cause obvious physical changes. Aches and pains normally do not occur at this stage. Finally, pregnant clients cannot lie on the massage table for a prolonged period due to morning sickness.

The position is determined by the size of the abdomen and the pregnant clients’ comfort. A side-lying position on the massage table is normally adopted for prenatal massage. Also, pregnancy pillows can be used for the supine position. It reduces the pressure to compress on the abdomen in supine.
A pillow put between the knees can keep the legs parallel to each other. The sitting position can be used if any other positions do not feel comfortable. For the sitting position, the upper and mid back can be focused more. Prenatal massage that is gentle, relaxed and firm should not cause any discomfort.

A series of questions may ask pregnant women before the start of pregnancy massage. If any contraindications against massage therapy during pregnancy are present, qualified massage therapists will advise what to do instead of massage. Referrals to allied health professionals may be required for a second opinion and alternative modalities such as Chiropractic care.
Massaging some trigger points or acupuncture points on hands, lower legs and feet is a contraindication. Massage therapists will avoid dry needling or putting pressure on these specific spots. These acupuncture points only use to encourage uterus contraction when pregnancy is close to due or overdue.

Changes During Pregnancy

a pregnant women with back ache

A majority of pregnant women has substantially changed at different stages of gestation. An increase in body weight due to the development of babies put more pressure on the lower back and spine. The growth of the baby increases the low back curve that results in low back pain. Also, the uterus compresses on the pelvic arteries and veins to slow down the blood circulation.
Lymphatic drainage from the low extremity partly blocked could cause leg pain and swell on the feet. The change in hormone levels will make pregnant women emotional and depressive. Anxiety might occur due to the worry of the baby’s health.
Relaxin is a hormone that plays a key role to make joints and ligaments loose for the preparation of baby delivery. This hormone will further worsen low back pain due to pelvic and hip joint laxity.

Benefits Of Pregnancy Massage For Both Expecting Mums and Babies

1.Reduces leg pain and low back pain
2.Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to reduce fluid retention (swelling in legs)
3.Reduces anxiety and depression during pregnancy and postpartum
4.Lowers labour complications
5.Reduces prematurity and low birthweight of newborn babies
6.Improves the quality of sleep

Pregnancy massage therapy can reduce stress and muscle tension that cause from the changes of pregnancy. Different types of massage can be applied into pregnancy massage.
For example, firm strokes from deep tissue massage work into deep tissues. Long strokes from Swedish massage encourage joint mobility. Applying pressure on lower limb muscle groups helps lymphatic drainage to reduce fluid retention.
Prenatal massage increases blood flow that provides oxygen and nutrients goes into muscles. At the same time, it removes waste materials and carbon dioxide from muscles. Tense back, hip and leg muscles will be relaxed. The occurrence of muscle cramps and spasm is less frequent.

The research reveals that regular pregnancy massage (20 mins, 2 times per week for 16 weeks) could increase the level of dopamine and serotonin. The secretion of cortisol and norepinephrine were suppressed. Dopamine and serotonin are chemicals related to the feeling of happiness and wellbeing.
In contrast, cortisol and norepinephrine are stress hormones. Full body massage could reduce anxiety and depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The increase in the secretion of serotonin helps deeper sleep and improves the quality of sleep.
The study found receiving pregnancy massage therapy regularly could lower postnatal complications and complications during labor. The rate of premature babies and low birthweight dropped.

Further information about “What type of massage is suitable for you?”