The Best Chiropractor Near You
36 Donohue Street, Kings Park
9837 5161

Chiropractor Book Online Near Me

Online appointment scheduling for a chiropractor near me is available. Making an instant Chiropractic appointment on the Chiropractor’s online booking system is fast and convenient. This chiropractic online booking system works 24/7 and lists all available chiropractic sessions. Clients book and manage chiropractic appointments from desktops or mobile phones anywhere and anytime without calling reception. Patients’ details filling online are safe and confidential on the chiropractic software. An automatic email will be sent to remind your chiropractic appointment.

Massage service booking

We also provide massage therapy services, but massage online booking is not available yet. If you would like to enquire or book for remedial massage service, please contact (02) 9837 5161 or email [email protected].

Due to the pandemic of coronavirus, self-checking is needed before any chiropractic same-day appointments or future appointments. If you contact someone with flu-like symptoms and/or experience symptoms such as fever, cough, or sore throat, please call the national coronavirus helpline on 1800 020 080 and seek for the COVID-19 test. Before the test result comes out, please quarantine or stay home for public safety.

Patient Story – Disc Herniation

This patient had been suffering from lower back pain for more than 10 years. The back pain was due to a previous sports injury. Someone fell on his back when he was landing at a basketball court, which resulted in disc herniation. The pain was shooting down to the left heel when he bent forward. Every year, it has an acute onset of the chronic lower back pain. At acute phase, back pain and leg pain interfered with patient’s daily activities and work.

He was limping with an antalgic gait and posture. The pelvic was shift to the left and the upper body deviated to the right (tried not to compress on the pain side). Pain occurred when bending, coughing and sneezing.

After one session of chiropractic care by using dry needling and manipulation, the pain intensity and gait completely changed significantly. He could walk properly without limping and the lower back pain reduced from 8/10 to 3/10.

Patient Story – Knee Pain from the back

Carlos, 68 year-old, came to see me for left knee pain. He had knee pain for at least 3 months. The nature of the pain was constant, pain was worsen by walking. In the physical examination, his knee movement(ROM) was no restriction on both sides and no pain was elicited during knee movement and muscle palpation. He had a history of lower back pain and operation for lumbar decompression and fusion. It was suspected that the pain was referred by the lumbar region.

Carlos was sent to take X ray for both lumbar and knee regions. The result showed that left knee only had mild to moderate degeneration changes. However, the fracture of the left screw at L4 was noted. The pain came from his lower back due to the broken screw at L4, which innervated the left knee area and result in the L4 segment slipped forward. The fragment of the broken screw was removed and replaced a new screw to stabilise the L4 vertebra. After the operation, his knee pain disappeared. As a chiropractor, making a correct diagnosis is crucial and co-managing with other professions is so important in this case.