The Benefits of Herbal Skincare Cosmetics

The Benefits of Herbal Skincare Cosmetics

Herbal skincare products are often referred to as “cosmeceuticals”, which sounds like a fancy medical term, but make no mistake, these kinds of products have an exceptionally long, reliable (and sometimes humble) history. Chiropractor near me in Kings Park Chiropractic said, Herbal ingredients have been used for skin care for literally thousands of years, all through history. Herbal skincare cosmetics—products that use raw plants and their extracts—are like food for the skin.

What are the benefits of Chinese herbs?

What are the benefits of Chinese herbs

Several of the advantages that Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Eastern practices have to offer include a high level of patient compliance (often due to patients noticing improvements in their symptoms quickly), reduced stress levels, natural pain management, improved sleep, stronger immunity and decreased need for medications.

Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach to treating a person’s mental and physical health problems. It developed thousands of years ago, and its core practices have changed little since then. The goal of TCM is to restore harmony within an individual and balance the forces of yin and yang, which are components of qi.

How to Treat Workout Injuries

How to Treat Workout Injuries

You should not try to “work through” the pain of an injury, regardless of whether it is an acute or overuse injury. When you have pain from a particular movement or activity, you should stop right away. Continuing the activity may cause further harm.
The goals of treatment for a sports injury are recovery of the injured part of the body and prevention of future injuries.
Injuries can happen, no matter how careful you are.

How can chiropractic care help your infant?

During childbirth, a newborn baby can experience a variety of physical issues. From crooked spines to underdeveloped digestive systems, infants are especially vulnerable to trauma during birth. Fortunately, infant chiropractic care has offered incredible benefits for newborns and alleviated some of the most common difficulties that many infants face.

While many people might believe that chiropractic care is primarily for adults, it’s also safe for newborn babies in the first few weeks following birth and can help them avoid problems such as ear infections, colic, and more. This post will discuss some of the various benefits that infant chiropractic care provides and how it can help ensure healthy growth throughout all of your child’s most important milestones.

5 Benefits of Infant Chiropractic Care

It’s vital for parents to understand the specifics of pediatric chiropractic care and how professional and qualified pediatric chiropractors can help their child’s body heal more quickly after birth. While there are many advantages to chiropractic care for newborns, here are five of the most common benefits of infant chiropractic care.

Eases Colic Symptoms

Colic can be caused by an underactive or immature gastrointestinal system, which causes gas and indigestion. If left untreated, the gas can become trapped in your baby’s belly, causing pain and bloating. A chiropractic specialist can help stimulate a baby’s stomach and other internal organs using gentle massage techniques, allowing the body to prevent colic and other digestive issues.

Supports Neurological Development 

A crooked spine can affect nerve function in your baby, causing additional tension and discomfort. Because the spine is the hub for so many of the body’s nerves, obtaining a chiropractic adjustment is similar to rebooting your nervous system, which can assist in overall brain and nerve development, alleviate stress and strain on the nerves, and allow your child’s body to grow and develop healthily.

Promotes Spinal Elongation

Normal spine curves occur between the ages of birth and three years old. However, spinal growth can be jeopardized if it is not correctly aligned. Regular chiropractic adjustments can offer the proper spine alignment your baby needs to grow and develop without spinal abnormalities for proper spine elongation and curvature.

Enhances the Immune System

When an infant is born, its immune system has not yet been exposed to common microorganisms against which older children and adults have developed antibodies. As a result, babies are more likely to develop colds and the flu, among other common ailments. Chiropractic adjustments can improve the immune system by increasing the body’s ability to produce and move disease-fighting cells to any vulnerable portion of the body.

Reduces Fussiness

It’s no secret that babies don’t sleep well at night while they’re first learning to sleep, which can lead to fussiness and crankiness. Determining what is causing them to feel this way can be difficult for any parent. Fortunately, chiropractic care is one of the most effective ways to alleviate stress, improving your infant’s moods and behavior and going a long way toward assisting children in living a happier, healthier life.

Discover How Infant Chiropractic Care Can Help Your Newborn

Whether the issue is an ear infection, asthma, colic, sleep problems, or something else, chiropractic care for infants and children of all ages can provide long-term healing and relief. It is a terrific option for parents who want the best for their infant, but chiropractic treatment is frequently the most effective kind of medical care you can choose when a newborn is in pain or wants to help them grow in a healthy, natural way.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

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Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769

How to Stop Your Desk Job from Killing Your Back

Desk jobs are often viewed as comfortable, low-risk occupations that are easy on the body. After all, you stay all day indoors. You don’t have to move heavy objects or operate dangerous equipment. What could go wrong? 

A lot, it turns out. 

Our bodies are not designed to sit all the time. We’re meant to stand, move, and stretch. Staying in the same seated position starts to take a toll on the body. Whether you’re working from an actual office or the comfort of your home, a desk job can negatively impact your body very quickly. 

For starters, since you’re not moving around, you’re not burning any calories throughout the workday. That alone can lead to muscle loss, weight gains, general stiffness, and more. But it’s not just your body that suffers. 

Be Proactive and Protect Your Back

If you work at a desk, you can take actions both in and out of the office to protect your back. Here are the top seven things you can start doing right now to avoid future pain:

  1. Exercise your core two to three times each week. Your core includes your abdominal, back and pelvis muscles. While there are dozens of core exercises available to protect your back, the most common are variations of the plank, sit-up, bridge and crunch. Ask your trainer or physical therapist for the proper technique for each.

  2. Make sure your office situation is ergonomic. Ergonomics is the science of optimizing products for human use. In an office environment, ergonomics includes everything from the height of your desk and chair to the positioning of your keyboard, phone and monitor. When it comes to ergonomics, a good rule of thumb is if it looks or feels awkward, do something about it.

  3. Protect your back by investing in a good office chair. You probably spend a third of your day in that chair, so make sure it feels comfortable. Your office chair height should be adjusted so your feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest, and your thighs are parallel to the floor. If you have armrests, use them. Your arms should lightly rest on them while your shoulders are relaxed. Many office chairs include some type of lumbar support. Having no or inadequate lumbar support puts excess pressure on your spine.

  4. Consider a standing desk. Desks that you stand at rather than sit behind come and go in popularity, but they’re actually a good option for keeping your back healthy. Before you make the investment, however, ask a coworker who has one if you can try it out for a day.

  5. Sit up straight. Good posture is not simply an old wives’ tale. If you tend to slouch forward or lean back at your desk, you’re likely putting your spine out of alignment. Place your monitor at eye level to improve your posture while sitting and keep reminders nearby about maintaining a straight back.

  6. Take periodic breaks. Get up every now and then to stretch your entire body. While standing, reach for the ceiling, then touch your toes and repeat. Just a minute or two stretching each hour can do wonders to protect your back.

  7. Take a walk when you’re done. After a long day of working in the office, try to resist the urge of going home and sitting again. You’ve just been sitting for eight or nine hours, not including your commute. By standing, walking, or even lying down on your stomach, you provide your spine with a change of position.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic – The Solution for Chronic Back Pain

Before you think nothing else can help your back pain, we would like to introduce you to upper cervical chiropractic, a chiropractic subspecialty. What makes it unique? This is a very gentle, precise, and specialized form of chiropractic care. 


This form of therapy takes a closer look at the top bone in the neck, the atlas. The atlas balances the head, and the rest of the spine will shift and compensate if this vertebra is not properly aligned. Changes and pain in your back can occur if the atlas is out of alignment by just fractions of a millimeter. Over time, the changes reach the lower back. They can be worse enough to have an impact on the SI joint or sciatic nerve. These are some of the culprits for intense lower back pain.


Upper cervical chiropractic does not involve any rapid twisting or cracking of the back and neck. Every adjustment only uses low force, which is less shocking on the body. This means the body will cooperate, and not work against the adjustment. The body will have more time to stabilize and heal, making adjustments longer-lasting. They can hold for weeks or months. 


Upper cervical chiropractors are trained to discover a misalignment in the atlas. It requires precision to get the exact location and fraction of misalignment. They do it through the help of diagnostic imaging and x-rays. They will use measurements taken from this equipment to come up with a customized adjustment and care plan for patients.

Western Sydney Chiropractic Clinic Serves Suburbs – Chiropractor Near Me

Seven Hills NSW 2147

Kings Langley NSW 2147

Kings Park NSW 2148

Blacktown NSW 2148

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Norwest NSW 2153

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Kellyville NSW 2155

Kellyville Ridge NSW 2155

Schofields NSW 2762

Quakers Hill NSW 2763

Marsden Park NSW 2765

Box Hill NSW 2765

Rooty Hill NSW 2766

Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

The Ponds NSW 2769